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Juvare and ICEYE Announce Strategic Partnership to Enhance Disaster Response with Real-Time Satellite-Driven Solutions
Empowering Emergency Management with Advanced Satellite Technology for Rapid,...
Planet Labs PBC Releases Images From Pelican-2
SAN FRANCISCO –Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL), a leading provider...
East View Launches Global Geography Library, an Expansive Platform for Maps, Charts, Atlases, and More
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, USA. – East View is pleased to introduce  Global...



Monday, December 4th, 2023

Google’s ‘A Passage of Water’ Brings NASA’s Water Data to Life

As part of the long-standing partnership between NASA and Google, NASA worked with Google Arts & Culture and artist Yiyun Kang to create an interactive digital experience around global freshwater resources titled “A Passage of Water.” This immersive experience leverages data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites and new high-resolution data from

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Analysis Finds Strong El Niño Could Bring Extra Floods This Winter 

An analysis by NASA’s sea-level change science team finds that if a strong El Niño develops this winter, cities along the western coasts of the Americas could see an increase in the frequency of high-tide flooding that can swamp roads and spill into low-lying buildings.  El Niño is a periodic climate phenomenon characterized by higher-than-normal

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

NASA-ISRO Radar Mission to Provide Dynamic View of Forests, Wetlands 

Once it launches in early 2024, the NISAR radar satellite mission will offer detailed insights into two types of ecosystems—forests and wetlands—vital to naturally regulating the greenhouses gases in the atmosphere that are driving global climate change.  NISAR, short for NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar, is a joint mission by NASA and ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation),

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

Reality Capture Technology Brings 17th-Century Citadelle de Besançon To Life 

A joint project of the French Government and Capture4Cad is using laser scanners from the Leica Geosystems’ BLK autonomous reality capture portfolio to create a comprehensive 3D model of the Citadelle de Besançon, France, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, while allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the area’s rich history. Digitalizing the citadel will help

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

Aerial Imaging Market Soars: Expected to Exceed $25 Billion by 2032 

With applications ranging from agriculture to urban planning, the global aerial imaging market is poised for exponential growth. Experts predict that by 2032, the market size is set to surpass a staggering $25 billion.    Expanding Applications  Aerial imaging is finding applications in a diverse range of sectors. In agriculture, it aids in precision farming

Monday, September 25th, 2023

Trio of Sentinel Satellites Map Methane Super-Emitters 

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and is the second-largest contributor to climate warming after carbon dioxide.  A tonne of methane, despite its shorter lifespan of about 10 years in the atmosphere, can retain an astounding 30 times more heat than a tonne of carbon dioxide over the course of a century. This means that

Monday, September 11th, 2023

NASA Scientists Test New Tool for Tracking Algal Blooms 

Harmful algae can endanger public health and coastal ecosystems and economies. Advances in satellite imaging are providing new ways to look at our living ocean.  By the time they were over, a series of massive algal blooms along the west coast of Florida in 2020 would be linked to some 2,000 tons of dead marine

Monday, August 28th, 2023

NASA Shares First Images from U.S. Pollution-Monitoring Instrument 

NASA released the first data maps from its new instrument launched to space earlier in 2023, which now is successfully transmitting information about major air pollutants over North America.   From its orbit 22,000 miles above the equator, NASA’s TEMPO, or Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution, is the first space-based instrument designed to continuously measure

Friday, August 11th, 2023

NASA Study Reveals Compounding Climate Risks at Two Degrees of Warming 

If global temperatures keep rising and reach 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels, people worldwide could face multiple impacts of climate change simultaneously. This is according to a NASA-led study that analyzed the projected impacts of such warming to understand how different climate effects might combine. A 2-degree rise in global temperatures is considered a

Monday, July 31st, 2023

Wasting Away (Again) in Greenland 

More than halfway through the 2023 melting season, Greenland has seen a substantial transformation of its snow cover. Melting has been above average for much of the season, including on several days in June and July when melt was detected across 800,000 square kilometers (302,000 square miles)—up to 50 percent—of Greenland Ice Sheet’s surface, according

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