The flight team, led by Commander Rodolfo Mansilla and composed of six members of the Department Flight was established at the international airport “Teniente General Benjamín Matienzo” (Tucumán). From there, done different takeoffs and were supported by field staff of theDepartment of Geodesy andUnit Information Technology of the Institute. The flights were performed with the plane of the IGN – the Cessna Citation twin engine – and the photographs were obtained by the latest addition to the Institute: the digital camera Vexcel UltraCam Microsoft XP, focal length 100mm. The House has 8 (eight) lenses to obtain different levels of information panchromatic color (black and white), RGB (color) and infrared. In Tucumán areas were surveyed Lower and Middle Balderrama, the area of “The Cocha “and the city of San Miguel de Tucumán. We also worked on the city of Santiago del Estero, as in the city of San Salvador de Jujuy and surrounding areas. Read More