The MSc programme in Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) is a top-level programme aimedat preparing qualified graduates to deal with contemporary tropical forestry. It providesstudents with direct access to the best tropical forestry teaching in Europe.
The programme is offered by a five university consortium from Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and Wales. The programme consists of a year of study in one of three institutions (Bangor, Copenhagen, Dresden) followed by a second study year at one of the four other institutions. The aim of the first year is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to sustainable tropical forestry. This allows students to choose freely among the five specialisation options in the second year.
The first year ends with the Joint Summer Module including field work in a tropical country. Specialisation options in the second year are agroforestry systems (Bangor), socio-economics of tropical forestry (Copenhagen), tropical forest management (Dresden), environmental management and policies for tropical forests (Montpellier), or ethics in forestry and responsible trade in tropical forest products and services (Padova). The teaching staff is very active in research and students profit from their global expertise.The SUTROFOR offers an integrated study programme with a resulting double degree that is fully recognised in all the participating countries. Selection requires a strong Bachelor’s degree, the applicant’s CV, documentation of proficiency in English (and if choosing Montpellier, French in some cases), the applicant’s personal statement of motivation, and recommendations from two references. The language of instruction is English with a French option in Montpellier. “Great teaching – an
d what an excellent study environment!”
Susan Chomba, Kenya SUTROFOR student