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November 1st, 2007
International Space Exploration Conference 2007 (ISEC 2007)

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PR – The International Space Exploration Conference 2007 (ISEC 2007) taking place in Berlin (D) from 8 to 9 November will welcome 500 high-level representatives of stakeholder groups from political institutions, the scientific community, industry and applied research organisations, public organisations and the general public.
ISEC 2007 will be the platform to present the first draft of Europe’s long-term strategy for space exploration. The conference will be an opportunity for the political, industrial and scientific sectors to help shape Europe’s role in the future of human spaceflight and exploration. The strategy has been developed in close consultation with numerous key stakeholder groups and is a global project intended to contribute to wider societal development.
ESA / DLR Press Conference on 8 November in Berlin
A joint ESA / DLR press conference will be held on Thursday 8 November from 10:00 to 11:00 at the Axica conference center (Pariser Platz 3D-10117 Berlin). J-D. Wörner, Chairman of the DLR Executive Board, and J.J. Dordain, ESA Director General will address the following points:

– Future human operations in low Earth orbit: Near-to-medium-term ISS utilisation scenarios for research and exploration preparation.
– Access to space for European astronauts after the retirement of the Space Shuttle.
– European robotic and human spaceflight beyond ISS: European interests, ambition and scenarios for future missions and operations in space beyond the lifetime of ISS.

Journalists are invited to attend all the sessions over both days of the conference. A high-level panel will take place on 9 November from 11:35 to 12:40 with key space agency leaders.
“The Global Exploration Strategy” and “New Business Opportunities” also on the Agenda
Other sessions of great interest will include “The Global Exploration Strategy”. A special panel will also be dedicated to “New Business Opportunities” and will examine possible new commercial services and technologies. It will give a thorough insight from a range of industries – from private engineering to insurance brokerage and luxury travel – of how very different sectors can be a part of this exciting journey, and benefit from exploring new horizons.

This event will be preceded by the first formal meeting of the International Space Exploration Coordination Group on 6 and 7 November 2007. On 8 November, a parliamentarian evening on the subject of human spaceflight will be organised and throughout the entire duration of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to visit an exhibition on space art.

For more information about the conference programme and to register for the press conference, please visit the following website:

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