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Event Coverage


Sunday, October 25th, 2009

HP – From Print to Communication

The HP – Press Event 2009 was recently held in Barcelona, Spain. The two-day event included a tour of the Institute of Advanced Architecture (Iaac) in the center of the city accompanied by formal presentations from members of the HP Research Print facilities in nearby San Cugat together with a tour and presentations at those

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

Workshop UK – Putting Complexity to Work – Supporting the Practitioners

This topic was addressed in a workshop called “Putting complexity to work – supporting the Practitioners” organised by The abaci Partnership on 24 September 2009 as part of the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2009) held at the University of Warwick, UK. The Workshop explored novel approaches for dealing with the complex spatial realities

Monday, September 28th, 2009

INTERGEO 2009 – Karlsruhe, Germany

INTERGEO was held in Karlsruhe, Germany last week under sunny skies allowing for the 15,000 in attendance to participate in both indoor and outdoor displays of the latest geospatial technologies developed by international manufacturer’s from 30 countries. At 25,000 square meters, INTERGEO remains one of the largest geospatial events on the planet.  

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Emerging GIS Landscapes in Central Asia

The 3rd successful Central Asia GIS Conference was concluded by conference chairs Akylbek Chymyrov and Josef Strobl from the Austria-Central Asia Centre for GIScience on August 28 at the University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The two-day conference program brought together speakers from Central Asian countries with their counterparts from Central

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Event: AGIT / GI Forum 2009 – Salzburg, Austria

The annual Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg (GI Forum 2009) was held at University Salzburg in Austria  July 7 – 10. About 1000 people attended the English speaking event which is combined with the Deutsche language AGIT 2009 event. GI Forum is a GIScience focused event with a strong educational component and AGIT is oriented around applications

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Beneath the Surfaces: The Hidden Elegance in Parametric Design – II

In Part II of ‘Beneath the Surfaces: The Hidden Elegance in Parametric Design’ architect Don Chong continues to discuss the fuss over ‘parametric design’ and ‘computational design’, based on his observations at the Bentley SmartGeometry conference in San Francisco recently. His attention turns to design data and the development of design tools in real-time. 

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

Beneath the Surfaces: The Hidden Elegance in Parametric Design

So, what’s the fuss over all of this ‘parametric design’ or ‘computational design’, you ask? Or, really, isn’t the honeymoon over for yet another provocative shape and how to apply efficient facets of a beautiful surface onto a new building? Better yet, shouldn’t there be more to ‘parametric design’ in the overall design process –

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Spot Image International Conference 2009 – Toulouse, France

Spot Image has been building and operating satellites since 1986. The company can point to a large archive of 20 million satellite images covering the planet and several operating satellites currently together with partnerships adding imagery from KOMPSAT, FORMOSAT and ENVISAT. Recently the company’s shareholder structure changed as EADS Astrium assumed majority ownership. This has

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Smart Moves in San Francisco – SmartGeometry 2009

SmartGeometry 2009 was held in San Francisco, California during March 27 – April 1. It included a workshop, a public Alumni Summit and a public Conference and Reception. An audience of students and professionals from around the world attended this year’s event. Focusing upon intelligent computational design, SmartGeometry 2009 is an opportunity to learn, share

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Event: Berlin International GNSS Symposium 2008

The International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-Based Navigation and Ground-Based Augmentation Systems and Applications was held last week in Berlin. Bringing together representatives from around the world, the event served to provide as a forum for learning about ongoing activity relating to GNSS. Also included were activities and information relating to additional positioning

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