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October 9th, 2007
Alibre and TraceParts Provide Easy Access to Millions of 3D Models

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Alibre, Inc. and TraceParts, Inc. today announced immediate availability of a new TraceParts online portal providing the rapidly growing Alibre customer base direct access to the entire TraceParts parts library. The TraceParts library is one of the biggest parts libraries in the world, offering 100+ million 3D CAD models & 2D drawings, including both industry-standard parts as well as products from hundreds of manufacturers.

The TraceParts library is accessible from within the user interface of Alibre Design Professional and Expert, and 3D models are available in the Alibre Design native format allowing them to be directly inserted into designs without translation. The library can also be accessed directly at, and couples powerful search capabilities, 3D dynamic previews and an easy-to-use interface that enables users to browse the large parts library to quickly locate and retrieve parts.

According to Greg Milliken, CEO of Alibre, the new relationship helps design and manufacturing companies improve their overall design efficiency by leveraging standard off-the-shelf components, freeing them to spend the majority of their time on their own design and manufacturing innovations.

“The massive TraceParts library delivers immediate value to our customers,” said Milliken. “It’s good practice to use off-the-shelf parts and products whenever possible because it reduces cost and decreases design time. The wider the selection the better, and the TraceParts library offers one of the widest selections on the market.”

“We are pleased to be working with Alibre,” said Bob Noftle, President of TraceParts, Inc. “Alibre’s growing popularity, great price/performance and simple user interface are expanding the market by attracting users who have not previously been able to afford or learn 3D. We believe this large and under-served market is an exciting marketing opportunity for all the parts vendors who selected TraceParts as their preferred partner to create and publish their CAD catalogs. These new users will get a lot of value from our 3D content, and Alibre’s position as the value leader provides us a unique opportunity to reach them.”

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