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September 19th, 2010
Siemens to Open Up Smart Metering Communications for Manufacturers

  • Rating12345

By opening up its DLC communications protocol Siemens is setting a milestone in the direction of open communication with smart meters and takes the first step toward establishing a new standard in high-efficiency metering communications via power line. Siemens Energy offers holistic smart metering solutions based on its automated metering and information system AMIS as a key component of smart grids.

Important features of this system are smart meters, which can transmit consumption data and load profiles either via telecommunications lines or via the low-voltage network to a central data processing station. For this automatic telemetering via the low-voltage network Siemens has developed a proprietary Distribution Line Carrier (DLC) communications application based on spread spectrum signal modulation. This form of modulation, which is based on spectral frequency spreading of the transmission signals, makes communications practically insensitive to interference signals and distortion. The protocol thus ensures hitch-free functioning of smart metering solutions within smart grids. With the opening up of its previously proprietary DLC communications application Siemens will now enable utilities also to deploy meters produced by other manufacturers within the AMIS smart metering system. Read More

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