Mr. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hansjörg Kutterer, president of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), chairman of the Global Geodetic Observing System GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System) has been appointed. Order by GGOS is to contribute to the observations of the Earth system.
This is necessary as the fundamental basis of a long term stable, global reference system. Compared to this, changes the shape of the rotation speed and shown by mass distributions on the Earth, presented and interpreted. GGOS thus supports research on changes in water balance, sea and atmosphere of the earth, and deformations of the earth’s surface, for example by major natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides. This information includes very important for assessing and understanding the processes of global change.
GGOS, as an observation system is the strategic and operational contribution to the Integrated Global Geodetic Observation Strategy (IGOS Integrated Global Observing Strategy) and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEOSS). Read More