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September 1st, 2010
OpenRouteService Becomes Routing Engine

  • Rating12345

Recently the new version 4.5.0 of the Linux-Desktop KDE has been published. The digital Globe “Marble” that is part of the KDE distribution has now route planning functionality. This is based on (ORS) which is being developed at the Chair of GIScience (Geoinformatics) at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. ORS was the first cross-national routing service using the uer generated geodata by OpenStreetMap and offers a large set of options. This means that ORS is the routing service behind the third digital globe application; the others being the OpenGIS Web 3D Service (W3DS) Client ‘XNavigator’ in and the Java Version of NASA World Wind ( ). Marble ist can be downloaded for several operatig systems such as Linux, Windows and MacOS.

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