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March 14th, 2012
Launching the FCA-SNV Biodiversity & REDD+ Platform

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We are pleased to launch the Biodiversity & REDD+ Platform, a partnership between Forest Carbon Asia and SNV Netherlands Development Organization with funding support from the International Climate Initiative of the German Ministry for the Environment (BMU). This platform is dedicated to bringing you comprehensive reviews and latest updates on REDD+ biodiversity-related issues, and links to technical expertise and resources to build more informed biodiversity-friendly REDD+ policies and implementation across Asia.

By reporting on the risks and raising awareness about the positive measures taken to conserve biodiversity as parts of international, national and sub-national REDD+ activities, standards and safeguards; FCA and SNV seek to ensure that the new REDD+ mechanism contributes to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Our first Biodiversity & REDD+ Brief “Commitments and options for safeguarding biodiversity in REDD+” (FCA-SNV BioREDD Brief No.1) outlines the international commitments to biodiversity in REDD+, the risks and opportunities, and international and national options for promoting biodiversity in REDD+. It can be downloaded from:
Please visit the FCA-SNV Biodiversity and REDD+ platform for daily BioREDD updates and watch out for upcoming consolidated Biodiversity and REDD+ briefs. If you wish to obtain these updates via email, kindly sign up at” target=”_blank”> with “Biodiversity & REDD+ Briefs” in the subject line.

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