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cultural heritageThe assignment of novel educational and research tasks brings the certainty that Europeans will be part of a new era of the utilization of “Culture”: an era with broader exploration ambitions in “research and education” for the CITHM (Culture, Innovation & Technologies for Heritage Management) in Mediterranean Regions. “The Risk of Education explores what is at our origins as human beings.

It presents the argument that without the fundamental factors of tradition – something lived out in the present that proposes and gives its reasons – and criticism – asking yourself why? – the young person is merely a fragile leaf separated from its branch”. His Holiness Benedict XVI has shown deep interest in Culture and novel technologies since 2009. During the International Year of Astronomy, he noted that our time is “positioned on the threshold of yet greater scientific discoveries.”

“Who can deny,” the Pope stated, “that the responsibility for the future of humanity and also the respect for nature and the world around us, demands, now more than ever, the careful observation, the critical judgement, the patience and the discipline that are essential to the modern scientific method?”

By collaborating with other European and International institutions that share these concerns, we are seeking to realize the full potential of novel opportunities in ICTs in order to promote education and information for all within its mandate. Scientific advances in this field of studies may also provide greater expectancy of life.

The Novel Technologies could provide the necessary supplement to obtain the greatest degree of autonomy for aged people, which is the wish of us all. We do this by collaborating with experts from Europe and around the world for the development of Technologies and Methodologies for Heritage Management under a pluri-disciplinary approach. We need to trigger a collective effort among the international partners, the European industry, Nona Universitas team on the ground and the International Educational Network.

One of the aims of this research is to implement GeoTagging applications and MIBAC geospatial metadata for the conservation and valorization of Heritage. GeoTagging is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as photographs, 3D video technologies, wireless applications etc. These data usually consist of latitude and longitude coordinates, though they can also include altitude, bearing, distance, accuracy data, and place names. It is commonly used for photographs, giving geotagged photographs.

In general, Geotagging can help users find a wide variety of location-specific information. For instance, one can find images taken near a given location by entering latitude and longitude coordinates into a suitable image search engine. Geotagging-enabled information services can also potentially be used to find location-based news, websites, or other resources.

Geotagging can tell users the location of the content of a given picture or other media or the point of view, and conversely on some media platforms show media relevant to a given location. We will try to analyse novel applications for novel web-GIS portals. One of the final goal is a complete photographic database of Heritage as a media for knowledge and enhancement of Cultural Heritage.

Its main mission is to communicate the ensemble of heritage, making available existing data and giving wider visibility to cultural sources and open data. The Portal won’t duplicate data in a central repository, on the opposite it will harvest metadata from external data-sources with the support o ISS.

The adoption of ISS data will allow metadata migration from content providers to one or more harvesters, adding services as automatic geo-location, classification, 3D representation. As the Web GIS Portal must join very diverse contents assuring system scalability, it seemed unsuitable to use a data-model with predefined Entities.

Following DCMI recommendations, a DC Application Profile based on the domain of Heritage in Europe has been designed, adding new types of resources (technologies, novel wireless applications, etc.), refinements to define specifications and relations amongst Element and Encoding Schemes as controlled classifications adopted by cataloguing standards.

Satellite measurements and novel technologies may offer an excellent means to follow the spread, extension, concentration and movement of volcanic plumes and other environmental phenomena. To this end, it is possible to develop novel dedicated services to provide fast alerts on hazard to support Civil Protection Agencies and other Institutions within the Support to Control Service projects (e.g. mobile GIS Platform, web-portals, wireless applications) mobile technologies and possible implications.

On the other hand, Mobile GIS technologies are changing rapidly. The line separating mobile smart-phones and other mobile devices (e.g. handheld, tablet computers, etc) is blurring, wireless communications are expanding, and GNSS is becoming more “strategic”.

Open data softwares for mobile devices are also evolving. Convenient and inexpensive data collection softwares are becoming available on all sorts of devices and operating systems (e.g. WinMobile, iOS, Android). As we know, the sharing of spatially-referenced data is a key concern among all in our geospatial community. Research is ongoing to better understand what allows and/or constrains individuals and agencies from sharing their spatially-referenced data including. In an effort to better understand sharing dynamics, we encourage researchers to help novel application whenever we can.

The research is part of an effort to confirm conclusions reached through other forms of investigation. We need to implement strategies for the use of spatially-referenced data and we are in a position to influence the data sharing policies of European and International organization.

We also considered spending time listening online questionnaires that helped provide input for the possible construction of online commons environments for sharing spatially-referenced data and indispensable values for the success of the human spaceflight endeavour and in situ analysis. Several proposals focus on the affordability, sustainability and pedagogical integration of ICTs (e.g. DSim technologies) in ways which can improve the learning, living and employment opportunities of “students”. Mobile learning in education and research and Open Educational Resources (OER) feature very highly on this agenda.

Given the popularity of OERs as an issue, the eLearning Debate may provide a platform for argument about the controversies at the heart of the OER enterprise for novel “economic sources”. We do this by collaborating with experts from Europe and around the world in Science and Technologies for Heritage Management and Education under a pluridisciplinary approach (including. Nano-technologies, Materials Science, Geomatics, etc.). It’s important to remember that data integration should involve combining data residing in different sources and providing users with innovative solutions.

This process becomes “strategic” in a variety of situations both “economic and scientific” combining novel research approaches for the evolution of educational and research strategies (e.learning & face-to-face). In particular, “The University Consortium named School for Graduate and Post-Graduate Training & Education (Scuola per l’Alta Formazione) was set up following a proposal by a group of university professors from different disciplines and universities.

With Nova Universitas as its trademark, the consortium aims at generating opportunities for reviving the spirit of the early University in today’s modern world” ( “Good science is universal, true and verifiable for every culture, belief or psychological state. In science, subjectivity seems to be stripped away from scientists’ work.

The personal lives of those carrying out scientific research seem irrelevant because they are set aside in the process and appear to leave no trace in their results” ( We may come to the following conclusion: “The world needs people who discover the good, who rejoice in it and thereby derive the impetus and courage to do good. Joy, then, does not break with solidarity. When it is the right kind of joy … when it comes from the perception of the good, then it wants to communicate itself, and it gets passed on…”


Article by Prof. Arch. Agata Lo Tauro, Ministry of Education, the University and Research, IPSIA “Majorana-Sabin”, Viale Libertà 151, 95014, Giarre, Italy. e.mail: agatalotauro at




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