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  • Jul 7, 2015
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July 7th, 2015
Extensive Programme on development and preservation of Arctic was prepared for the participants of the International Geographical Union Regional Conference

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July 7, 2015 — The Participants of the IGU Regional Conference, that will take place at Moscow from 17 to 21 August, will discuss issues and perspectives of development of Arctic region and difficulties of its preservation. Special attention is dedicated to the subject of Arctic.

Within roundtable discussion on “International scientific cooperation in the Arctic as the basis of sustainable development of the region” participants will discuss certain adaptation arrangements for enterprises and population taking into account climate changes and possibilities of international collaboration in research of these problems. During the Conference a lot of specific subpanels will take place. They will be dedicated to such topics as: development of Arctic territories, challenges of native-born population, peculiarities of business conduct and stable economic development.

A great part of the Arctic Programme will be held by the IGU Commission on “Cold Region Environments”. There will be arranged sessions dedicated to social and ecological issues of Arctic coastal region, challenges of the polar research management and rational use of resources for stable development of the area.

The session “Organization and visualization of polar data” is dedicated to the issues of collecting and structuring geographical information in Arctic, especially interesting due to great space discontinuity of this territory.

Actively involved in Arctic Programme will be representatives of Russian academic community, international organizations, foreign institutes and authority representatives.

“Thousands of scientists all over the world work on the research of Arctic, – stated the dean of the Geography Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) and corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Dobrolyubov – In August, we are expecting the finish researcher Markku Kulmala, he is working on the research of the atmospheric aerosols in Arctic and has one of the highest citation index in areas of geoscience. Among famous Russian geographers will be present the Director of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Vladimir Kotlyakov.  Among the participants there are a lot of talented young scientists such as a group from Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute that are studying problems of climate change in Arctic, who is coming from St. Petersburg”.  

The result s of the roundtable “International scientific cooperation in the Arctic as the basis of sustainable development of the region” and its specific subpanels will be the resolution, that will be reflected in the final conclusions of the IGU Regional Conference.

The Conference organizers are: International Geographical Union, Russian Geographical Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Sciences. Official sponsor is: Rosneft company. General information partners are: ITAR-TASS, My Planet TV channel, Live Planet TV channel, National geographic Russia magazine, Round the world magazine.