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June 23rd, 2010
EUMETSAT 70th Council puts MTG On track

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At the Council, the texts of the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Programme Resolution and Programme Proposal were approved by all Member States, with Germany and Portugal voting yes ad referendum. This defines the scope and cost of the programme. In addition, 14 Member States confirmed their support for the programme itself, with the remaining Member States expected to follow before next Council. The EUMETSAT Director-General, Dr. Lars Prahm, said, “MTG is now on track, securing the future of EUMETSAT’s geostationary meteorological observations and services until at least 2038.” The Second Generation EUMETSAT Polar System starting in 2018 took further shape, with Council agreeing that a two satellite configuration be studied in Phase A with distributed payloads for the two satellites. Read More

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