The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) recently reached a new official position on “Combined Mobility”. The document shows how traditional public transport can overcome some of its shortcomings and offer high flexibility and convenience for meet mobility demand of modern fellow citizens: by building up the so-called “sustainable mobility alliance” with car-sharing, cycling and taxis, public transport is able to offer a full mobility portfolio and compete with the private car in terms of convenience and cost-structure.
The increasing urban sprawl problems, congestion and lack of space are leading our cities to a decline in quality of life while mobility demand rises. Hence, the primary objective of cities in terms of mobility and space allocation is to reduce car use and encourage the use of public transport and other emerging or well-established alternative modes.
To this purpose, the Combined Mobility Platform of UITP has put forward some recommendations for a successful collaboration between public transport and so-called Combined Mobility services – car-sharing, car-pooling, bike-sharing, shared taxis, etc – in its focus paper “Becoming a real mobility provider”. Read More