Sensors and Systems
Breaking News

October 25th, 2011
Virtalis ships GeoVisionary Version 1.1

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VIRTALIS has just shipped Version 1.1 of GeoVisionary. Sales of the pioneering 3D geosciences visualiser have sky rocketed over the last year, with leading geological institutions, mining companies and nuclear scientists world-wide all deploying GeoVisionary to view their data.

Richard Davies, head of the Virtalis Development Team, explained: “We’ve listened to our expanded customer base and made numerous functionality improvements in Version 1.1 prior to GeoVisionary 2.0 coming out next year.”

GeoVisionary was developed by Virtalis in collaboration with BGS as specialist software for the high-resolution visualisation of spatial data. The initial design goal was to ensure that data sets for large regions, national to sub-continental, could be loaded simultaneously and at full resolution, while allowing real-time interaction with the data. One of the major advantages GeoVisionary offers over other visualisation software (3 & 4D GIS) is its ability to integrate very large volumes of data from multiple sources, allowing a greater understanding of diverse spatial datasets. Read More

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