TENET Technology partner with BKS Surveys to provide an automated PAI solution for Countryside Council for Wales
TENET MapRite has been instrumental in providing an automated solution to PAI projects awarded to BKS Surveys by Countryside Council for Wales (CCW).
BKS were awarded the following Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) projects by CCW:
Sites of Special Scientific Interest dataset – circa 1000 sites
Natural Nature Reserves dataset- circa 67 sites
Special Area of Conservation dataset – circa 93 sites
Special Protection Area dataset – circa 20 sites
Wetlands of International Importance dataset – circa 11 sites
The above datasets were originally captured as polygonal data to assist CCW in their management of sites designated by UK, EU or International agreements for conservation of habitat and wildlife. Theses individual polygons range in size from 0.01 hectares to over 20,000 hectares and relate to topographical features such as fences, river edges etc.
The PAI exercise commissioned by CCW was to use the latest revised Ordnance Survey (OS) MasterMap data and to amend the CCW datasets to take into account the PAI movement.
BKS approached the task in three phases, the first of which was to prepare the various datasets and corresponding Pre PAI OS data and the Post PAI data. The second phase was to perform automatic PAI amendment on the CCW datasets using TENET MapRite software. The third phase was to interactively review the polygons highlighted by TENET MapRite against the Post PAI OS MasterMap data, making the appropriate manual adjustments.
The largest dataset ‘CCW Open Access’– consisting of circa 200 sites did not follow OS features, it relates to vegetation and habitat boundaries. Although this did not cause any additional work, the automated software MapRite was able to identify the relationships that should be maintained and shifted the data accordingly.
TENET ‘s MapRite is the market-leading PAI solution provider, based upon an established product technology proven in over 120 organisations, including Local Authorities, Utilities and Central Government organisations for the re-alignment of assets. MapRite has been shown to provide a robust, scalable solution with the lowest cost of ownership for Positional Accuracy Improvement customers.
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