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May 28th, 2024
Teledyne Geospatial to showcase and present at Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2024

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Groundbreaking Teledyne CARIS software solution for advanced charting will be unveiled

Fredericton, New Brunswick, CANADA – Teledyne Geospatial has announced CARIS AutoChart, a revolutionary nautical chart production solution. Traditionally, the production of nautical paper charts has been labor-intensive and time-consuming, often fraught with challenges related to manual data entry, complex chart formatting, and the integration of various data sources. Recognizing the need for a modern, technology-driven approach, CARIS AutoChart is a comprehensive software solution tailored specifically to the needs of nautical chart producers.

Visit us at the Canadian Hydrographic Conference, Booth #17, from May 27-30, 2024, to learn more about CARIS AutoChart and updates on HIPS and SIPS and CARIS Onboard and meet with CARIS software experts to see demonstrations of the software in different types of applications.  Also on display will be the complementary Optech Compact Lidar which offers the opportunity to expand survey capabilities to capture data both above and below water. The CL-360 Marine, installed on a survey vessel can leverage standard sonar survey workflow tools, such as CARIS HIPS, for streamlined data collection and processing.  The range accuracy and resolution capabilities of the CL-360 Marine enable users to unlock more detail at greater distances compared to any other system designed for application on marine survey platforms.

Presentations by Teledyne:

Monday, May 27, 2024, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | Room Bannerman 3

CARIS & 7Cs: S-100 – The journey so far

Presenter: Julien Barbeau, Teledyne Geospatial, Product Manager, Cloud Solutions

Learn about the latest updates on S-100 support in CARIS & 7Cs solutions. This S-100 themed workshop includes presentations, demonstrations, and discussions on transitioning to a S-100 production environment. The session will also include an overview of the latest updates on HIPS and SIPS and CARIS Onboard.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 3:30 PM to 5 PM | Bannerman Room 1

Paper sessions on Satellite Derived Bathymetry

Chairperson: Andy Hoggarth, VP Product Strategy, Teledyne Geospatial


Teledyne Geospatial unifies the hardware and software expertise of Teledyne CARIS and Teledyne Optech. The group provides customers with innovative integrated solutions. Offerings include turnkey systems, lidar and sonar integrated workflows and a range of systems and solutions that support holistic, precision data collection.

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