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July 29th, 2013
Street Factory Awarded as Most Valuable Geo-information Product

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Astrium Services is pleased to announce that its advanced 3D urban mapping solution, Street Factory, has received the prize of the most valuable product in geo-information field 2012, delivered during the World Geospatial Developers Conference (WGDC), hold in Beijing last May. The WGDC is the largest and the most practical developer conference in China and leads the latest technology and products development trends in the geo-information fields.

Launched in July 2012, Street Factory is a fully integrated solution enabling fast and fully automatic processing of images from any aerial or street camera for the generation of a 3D Textured Database.
Realistic and precise 3D data is essential for all professionals working with 3D modeling and visualization in areas such as urban planning, risk management, defense and telecommunications. Street FactoryTM helps users tackle their day-to-day challenges by providing accurate 3D models, with intricate details and imagery free of distortions. This 3D modeling is fully automatic and processed within hours after acquisition, regardless of the sensor.

Street Factory also includes a versatile 3D-viewer that is compatible with all standard operating systems. This viewer features 3D measurements, water-level simulation, integration of GIS databases, and more.

Street Factory is the revolutionary solution for users who require fast and fully automatic processing of imagery from any platform into highly precise and accurate 3D data.

Through its GEO-Information business, Astrium Services is recognized as one of the leaders in the geo-spatial information market, not least thanks to the now fully integrated skills and resources of the former Spot Image and Infoterra. The company provides decision-makers with complete solutions enabling them to increase security, boost agricultural performance, maximize oil & gas or mining operations, improve their management of natural resources, and protect the environment. It has exclusive access to data from the SPOT, TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X and Pléiades satellites, coupled with a complete range of space-based data sources and airborne acquisition capability allowing it to offer an unrivalled scope of Earth observation products and services. This extensive portfolio covers the entire geo-information supply chain, from the generation of images to the provision of high added-value information to end-users.

By leveraging the synergies and expertise available across the whole of Astrium Services, its GEO-Information teams develop innovative, yet competitive, custom-made solutions based on the combination and integration of Earth observation, navigation and high-end telecommunications.

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