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March 3rd, 2015
SENSORNETS 2015 Report

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SENSORNETS 2015 – The International Conference on Sensor Networks took place in Angers, France from, February 11 to 13.

SENSORNETS 2015 was held in conjunction with PhyCS 2015 and PECCS 2015, covering a broad range of related fields, including any aspect of sensor networks.

This year SENSORNETS received 61 submissions. After a strict selection process, the SENSORNETS program included 14 papers as full papers (23% of submissions) and 9 as short papers (15% of submissions). Additionally, 7 papers were accepted for poster presentation. With these acceptance ratios, SENSORNETS 2015 continues the tradition of previous conferences, a quality conference with high caliber.

A short list of papers presented at conference venue, will be invited to submit to publication in a special issue of Sensors & Transducers Journal.

In addition to the presentation sessions, SENSORNETS 2015 included four outstanding keynote lectures, which are relevant to today’s lines of research and technical innovation. These talks were presented by internationally distinguished researchers, namely:

Title: IoT-LAB – A First Class Scientific Tool for Large Scale IoT Experiments

  • Ingemar Cox, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University College London, United Kingdom

Title: i-sense – Early Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases

Title: Implementation Considerations for Network Coding in Sensor Networks

Title: IoT, Big Data & Smart Cities – The Untold Story

The papers were organized in 6 sessions ranging the hot topics of nowadays such as Hardware of Sensor Networks, Wireless Communication Protocols, Sensor Networks Software and Architectures, Wireless Information Networks, Data Manipulation, Signal Processing, Localization and Object Tracking through Sensor Networks, Obstacles, Applications and Uses.

SENSORNETS included a Tutorial “Wireless Sensors and Big Data Analytics in Health Monitoring Applications” lecture by Hesham Ali.

The organizing committee included the SENSORNETS conference co-Chairs César Benavente-Peces (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) and Patrick Plainchault (ESEO, France) and the SENSORNETS Program Chair Octavian Postolache (Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal).

SENSORNETS 2015 was sponsored by INSTICC (The Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication) and was held in cooperation with ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and ACM SIGAPP (Special Interest Group on Applied Computing).

Regarding the best paper award, SENSORNETS has recognized the paper, “Refracted Acoustic Communications in Wireless Underwater Sensor Networks with Mobility” from S. Blouin, M. Barbeau and E. Kranaki. As the best Student Paper Award, SENSORNETS acknowledged the paper untitled “Research on Payload Aggregation of Packets in WSNs” by Ákos Milánkovich, Gergely Ill, Károly Lendvai, Sándor Imre and Sándor.

After a successful 2015 edition in France, SENSORNETS 2016 will be held in Rome, Italy, from 17th to 19th February 2016. For more updated information, please visit the conference website

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