Data integration should involve combining data residing in different open sources and providing users with innovative solutions. This process becomes “strategic” in a variety of situations both “economic and scientific” combining novel research approaches for the evolution of educational and research strategies (e.learning & face-to-face). Open data makes Educational Institution more transparent and increases accountability.
But it also makes life better for citizen because tools can be made on top of the education’s data that the Educational Institutions themselves never would have made. As the law implement, it benefits the city via the “mobilization of high-tech workforce… to create useful civic tools at no cost. The cost of implementing the laws — of actually doing the work to make the data open — is “minimal.”
The harder part is opening the eyes of entrenched researchers, like the ones that comprise governments, to the value of letting the data loose. These thoughts on sustaining open data researches are provoked by an International Network of Educational institutions, not-for-profit business, set up by a group of large academic publishers and a few leading universities. Its aim is to provide a central directory of researchers, with profiles describing them. Recommend pan-European strategies and development of Educational strategies will be implemented in Italy and other countries in order to formulate projects based on the Citizens Initiative approved under the Lisbon Tready and in preparation for 2012 in conjuction with the Movement for European Education Trust and other Institutions.
Agata Lo Tauro - Minister of Education, the University and Research