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November 16th, 2010
Ninth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF9)

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The Ninth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 24 January to 4 February 2011. The meeting will focus on anoverall theme of “Forests for people, livelihoods and poverty eradications”; and the launch ofthe International Year of Forests (IYF 2011). Pursuant to the Economic and Social Council resolution 200/35 and the multi-year programmeof work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for the period 2007-2015, a High-level Segment, including a dialogue with several Heads of State and Government, Ministers andheads of member organizations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), forest related international and regional organizations, institutions and instruments will be held on 2 and 3February, 2011.

The UNFF Secretariat welcomes the participation by organizations representing women,youth, business, workers, land owners, indigenous peoples, non-governmental organizations(NGOs), scientists, and local authorities in UNFF sessions. NGO participation in UNFF9 issubject to rules of procedure of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). According to these rules, only those organizations that have consultative status with ECOSOC can sendrepresentatives to attend UNFF meetings. If your organization meets these criteria and isinterested in participating in UNFF9, please indicate your interest by sending an officialnomination letter on your organization’s letter head and signed by the Executive Director(including name(s) and contact information of your representatives(s) to this meeting) to theUNFF Secretariat by email (to [email protected]) or fax (to +1 917 367 3186) at your earliestconvenience but no later than 24 December 2010.
Please note that arrangements for all travel, visas and accommodation, as well as allexpenses related thereto, are the responsibility of the participants.
For additional information regarding the meeting please refer to the UNFF website at<>. We would also appreciate if you would update us on your contactinformation either by registering on the UNFF website (click on “Log-In or Register withUNFF” at the lower right hand corner of the page), or by sending us an email (to [email protected]).

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