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September 18th, 2012
New Release of SuperGIS Network Server 3.1

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SuperGeo Technologies announced the release of SuperGIS Network Server 3.1. The server software serves complete network analysis functions to increase data analysis capacity for organizations.


Developed with SuperNetObjects 3.0, SuperGIS Network Server 3.1 performs multiple network analyses such as Shortest Path, Superior Route Planning, Closest Facilities, Service Area, etc.


SuperGIS Network Server 3.1 achieves the integration with other front-end platforms. The server GIS software allows developers to develop the web applications or mobile applications for Windows Mobile, Android, and iOS platforms. 


Through employing SuperGIS Network Server 3.1 and SuperGIS Server 3.1, users can easily create a map website, carry out advanced network analyses, and publish map data via web services.


For more product information about SuperGIS Network Server, please visit 


The free trial is available at 



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About SuperGeo

SuperGeo Technologies Inc. is a leading global provider of GIS software and solutions. Since the establishment, SuperGeo has been dedicated to providing state-of-the-art geospatial technologies and comprehensive services for customers around the world. It is our vision to help users utilize geospatial technologies to create a better world.


SuperGeo software and applications have been spread over the world to be the backbone of the world’s mapping and spatial analysis. SuperGeo is the professional GIS vendor, providing GIS-related users with complete GIS solutions for desktop, mobile, server, and Internet platforms. 

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