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May 21st, 2024
Maxar Launches ClimateDeskSM to Empower Planning Today for Future Climate Conditions

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WESTMINSTER, Colo. — Maxar Intelligence, provider of secure, precise, geospatial intelligence, today announced the launch of ClimateDesk, a new platform that translates enhanced climate data into actionable information for customers whose businesses are preparing for future conditions.

ClimateDesk sources, synthesizes and enhances complex, foundational data from the leading, national meteorological and climate model agencies. This content is intelligently blended to create an authoritative, global dataset available through the year 2100. ClimateDesk delivers data and insights daily to users for improved decision-making and long-term planning through a web application, data services and industry-specific reports.

“ClimateDesk extends our weather and climate capabilities to provide customers with a high-resolution view of how future climate conditions will impact their businesses,” said Paul Granito, Maxar Intelligence’s General Manager of Enterprise. “ClimateDesk equips the energy and agricultural sectors with robust climate projections, facilitating strategic decisions for operational efficiency and future investments. It can also help businesses more confidently navigate new climate-related regulatory landscapes, including newly adopted SEC disclosures and California’s comprehensive climate regulations.”

By using ClimateDesk, a customer can discover insights like:

  • By the summer of 2035, rainfall is predicted to be 121% of normal in the southeastern region of the United States, where a significant amount of cotton, soybeans and rice are produced. In contrast, parts of central Nebraska, which is a key agricultural region for corn, wheat and soybean, may experience only 85% of normal rainfall by 2040. Food producers in these regions will want to consider how these changes in precipitation may affect their crops and adjust future plans.
  • The UK’s largest onshore wind farm is the Whitelee Wind Farm in East Renfrewshire, Scotland. The amount of wind at this site is expected to double between 2025 and 2050. With insights like this, energy companies with significant investments in renewables can better plan for capacity changes and understand how to manage their assets based on climate change.
  • Average maximum summer temperatures in Washington, D.C., are expected to increase from a forecast of 86°F in the coming summer of 2024 to 92°F in 2040 and the number of projected days at or above 95°F increases from 3 to 46 days. Temperature-based insights like this can inform the city’s actions on emissions, green space development and modernizing the power grid.
  • Cuiabá, the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, is the center of an important and productive agricultural region which grows soybeans, corn and cotton. It could see annual precipitation decrease from 51 inches in the year 2025 to 14 inches in the year 2050, leading to drought conditions that will stress crops and likely significantly reduce yields. Receiving this information years in advance could give agricultural leaders time shift to more drought-tolerant crops.

ClimateDesk joins Maxar’s weather and climate intelligence product family, which also includes WeatherDeskSM. While ClimateDesk focuses on sub-seasonal, seasonal and long-term time periods, WeatherDesk provides insights into historical, real-time and short-to-medium term weather conditions and forecasts, trends and insights. Demos are available upon request for both platforms.

About Maxar Intelligence

Maxar Intelligence is a provider of secure, precise, geospatial intelligence. We deliver disruptive value to government and commercial customers to help them monitor, understand and navigate our changing planet. Our unique approach combines decades of deep mission understanding and a proven commercial and defense foundation to deploy solutions and deliver insights with unrivaled speed, scale and cost effectiveness. For more information, visit

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