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September 7th, 2012
Learn to Use Esri’s ArcGIS to Share and Edit Map Features on the Web

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More government agencies and nongovernmental organizations want citizens to contribute volunteered geographic information (VGI), such as reports of potholes in their communities or georeferenced photographs of flooding, earthquake damage, or fires, to a web map. Other organizations only give certain employees permission to edit geographic data.

To accomplish either task, you must first configure an ArcGIS for Server feature service for editing and then create a web editing application others can use to add their VGI or secure data. To demonstrate how to do this, Esri will host the free live training seminar Creating a Web Editing Application Using ArcGIS 10.1 for Server on September 13, 2012.


The presenter will show you how to share feature data for editing using an ArcGIS for Server feature service. You will then learn how to create a simple web map editor using ArcGIS Online and a web mapping application that provides secure access to the service. This application will let the organization track each edit, including when the edit was made.


After viewing this seminar, you will understand how to do the following:

·         Configure an ArcGIS for Server feature service for editing

·         Create a simple web mapping application for editing using an ArcGIS Online web map

·         Use wizard-driven builders to create more sophisticated web applications that track edits and control data access


This live training seminar is geared toward GIS professionals who need to share feature data for editing on the web. A working knowledge of GIS concepts and data is required; you must also know how to share maps as GIS services.


Attendees need a broadband Internet connection and an Esri Global Account to watch the live training seminar. Creating an Esri Global Account is easy and free: visit, click Login, and register your name and address.

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