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November 1st, 2011
GIS Ostrava 2012 – Surface Models for Geosciences

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Surface models are frequently used for many applications in geosciences. Models with different scales, variety of data sources, alternative construction approaches and data representations are examples of research issues related to this field. One shared aim is to achieve quality models that satisfy the required needs while remaining efficient. Moreover, controlling data integrity and coherence is essential for many applications that involve decision making. The aim of the conference is to present and discuss new methods, issues and challenges encountered in all parts of the complex process of gradual development and application of digital surface models. The process covers data capture, data generation, storage, model creation, validation, manipulation, utilization and visualization. Each stage requires adequate methods and contains issues which may substantially decrease the value of the model. Furthermore, the conference provides a platform to discuss about requirements, features and research approaches for virtual reality, 3D modelling, continuous field modelling and other geosciences applications. Read More

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