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January 24th, 2012
FOSS4G-CEE Organization Committee Calls for Speakers

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The first Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in Central and Eastern Europe together with Geoinformatics FCE CTU (FOSS4G-CEE and Geoinformatics) conference is reaching out to speakers. The 2012 conference will be held from 21st till 23rd May 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic. It is an international conference focused on open source geospatial solutions and issues specific for Central and East European Region.
Papers and presentations
Users and developers are encouraged to present their latest development related to

  • Education & Academia — Geoinformatics FCE CTU
  • Sensors, Remote Sensing, Laser-scanning
  • Core development of geospatial software
  • Open data access and crisis management
  • Usage of Open Source Software, case studies

Presentations will either fill 30-minute slots with time for questions or 5-minute lightning talks. Abstracts can be submitted online at


Workshops are 1.5-3 hour hands-on experiences with participants following along with the instructor, working directly with the application under discussion. All workshop rooms will be equipped a projector, and with computers for participants to use.

Instructors will need to discuss pre-installation requirements with the Conference Organizing Committee if required.
Workshops are expected to require considerable effort to create, with past experience showing that three days of preparation per hour of presentation are required to produce a high quality workshop.

Additionally you will be expected to develop material for attendees to take home with them, such as handouts, workbook, CD-ROMs, etc. Due to the effort involved in producing and presenting a workshop, instructors will receive a single complimentary registration to the conference for delivering a workshop.


Tutorials are 90 minute sessions during the regular presentations portion of the conference. Tutorial rooms will not be equipped with computers. However, presenters may make use of delegate laptops and the FOSS4G LiveDVD. Preference will be given to hands-on tutorials. Any hands-on aspects to a tutorial will be the responsibility of the presenter and needs to be described in the tutorial description.

All submissions will be considered, but particular interest will be shown in the following topics:

  • Practical Introductions to FOSS4G software
  • Interoperability / Spatial Data Infrastructure, INSPIRE
  • Integration between open and closed source solutions
  • Free and open geospatial data

Important dates

  • 1.1.2012 Call for papers & Call for Workshops
  • 1.2.2012 Workshop submission deadline
  • 1.3.2012 Papers submission deadline
  • 15.3.2012 Confirmation of accepted workshops
  • 15.3.2012 Confirmation of accepted papers
  • 1.4.2012 Early bird registration deadline

About FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012

FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012 is the first local conference focused on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in Central and Eastern Europe. This year, it is connected together with the traditional Geoinformatics FCE CTU.
The conference intends to move its location over the region every year. It should be similar to the global FOSS4G conference, with a focus on local- regional issues.

About FOSS4G

FOSS4G is „the global conference“ focused on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial, organized by OSGeo. At FOSS4G you can meet all kinds of actors: Free Software developers and all kinds of representatives from companies, institutions and the academic world.
About Geoinformatics FCE CTU


Geoinformatics FCE CTU is the international conference that is organized by Department of Mapping and Cartography, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. The conference is focused on the relevance of Free and Open Source Software in Geoinformatics concerning a wide range of topics. Geoinformatics FCE CTU is an event with a fruitful history, organized since 2006.

FOSS4G Organizing Committee


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