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Monday, March 19th, 2012

Federal Cabinet Adopts German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess)

The Federal Cabinet adopted the German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess) today. The goal of the Programme is to continuously increase raw material productivity in German industry through market incentives, research and innovation and advice, and thus to promote a further decoupling of our growth from resource consumption. ProgRess is the first comprehensive programme by the

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Informal Development in Greece: New Legislation for Formalization, the Chances for Legalization and the Dead Capital

On the FIG web site we publish each month a paper called the Article of the Month. This is a high-level paper focusing on interesting topics to all surveyors. It can be picked up from an FIG conference or another event. The Article of the Month in February 2012 is written by Chryssy Potsiou and Ifigenie Boulaka Greece:Informal Development

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Airbus, Air France and Several Companies Against the Carbon Tax

Airbus, Air France and British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa, Iberia and Air Berlin have written to several European heads of government. Airbus and six European airlines have joined forces to denounce the carbon tax introduced by the European Union in letters to heads of government French, German, British and Spanish, told AFP a source familiar with the matter.

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

BLM Seeks Public Comments on Forest Management plans

Area residents will have the opportunity to advise the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on what to include in management plans for its Western Oregon forestland. The BLM wants the public to weigh in on issues it feels the agency needs to address in new resource management plans being developed for the Medford District as well

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Oilsands Giants Create Unprecedented Alliance to Tackle Environmental Issues

The leaders of 12 companies signed a charter that brought the Canadian Oil Sands Innovation Alliance to life with a collective commitment to focus on tailings ponds, greenhouse gas emissions, water and land issues. “You have a very, very public, transparent commitment here,” said alliance chairman Dan Wicklum. “So I think the message that they’re giving

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Teaching Crisis Decision-Making Through Simulations

War games have played a role in operational and strategic training for a very long time. The purpose of a war game is twofold. On the one hand, it produces data on a proposed course of action, with the quality of data dependent on the expertise of the players and the verisimilitude of the simulation.

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

European Company Law: what way forward?

The European Commission has launched today an in-depth consultation on the future of European company law. Europe needs a company law framework that is adapted to the needs of the society of today and to the evolution of the economic environment. EU company law has played a central part in building the single market. It

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Why We’re Worried about Google’s Deal with the World Bank

Yesterday we tweeted that we were hearing concerns about the recently signed deal between Google and the World Bank that will allow the Bank to provide Google’s Map Maker platform to governments and multilaterals around the world. We’ve dug around a little more and our concerns haven’t dissipated: this is a big deal and could

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Commission Consults Stakeholders On State aid Rules for the Maritime Sector

The European Commission has launched a public consultation, to get stakeholders’ views on the application of the 2004 EU Guidelines on state aid to maritime transport. Submissions can be made until 14 May 2012. In light of the comments received, the Commission will decide whether the Guidelines need to be revised and will consult further

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Kenya: Cabinet Approves Three Land Bills

The Cabinet yesterday approved three bills that will overhaul and streamline the National Land Management and Administration policies. The National Land Commission Bill 2012, the Land Bill 2012, and the Land Registration Bill 2012 now await publication and onward transmission to Parliament for debate. These are among the seven bills that need to be enacted

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