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Sunday, September 9th, 2007

Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities

Introduction To achieve the objective of sustainable cities, an integral approach to urban issues must be chosen. In addition, the European structural funds should be made available for local projects that embrace this integral approach. This is the most important message of the Leipzig Charter, which was adopted by the European ministers responsible for urban

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

The OGC Announces Styled Layer Descriptor & Symbol Encoding Specifications

FORBES – The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved the OpenGIS(R) Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Implementation Specification (a profile of the Web Map Service) and the related OpenGIS Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification. The OpenGIS(R) Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) profile of the Web Map Service Implementation Specification defines an encoding that extends

Monday, August 27th, 2007

Guidelines for LIFE+ Programme Call for Proposals

EOPORTAL – The European Commission has published draft application guidelines for the 2007 call for proposals under the LIFE+ programme. LIFE+, the new Financial Instrument for the Environment, entered into force in June 2007. It comprises three components: “LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity”, “LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance” and “LIFE+ Information & Communication”. GMES is explicitly

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