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Lockheed Martin’s LM 400 Tech Demo to Prove Out Design and Risk Reduction Efforts on Orbit
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Unveiled today – UK built space rocket set to make the planets reachable
Meet the SUNBIRD: the secret nuclear fusion rocket developed...
Gilat Receives $6 Million Defense Contract to Provide Military Communications solutions in Asia-Pacific
Advanced Satellite Solution to Support Secure and Resilient Connectivity...

Policy Watch

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Taking a Closer Look at Europe’s Renewable Energy Plans for 2020

Europe is committed to obtaining 20 % of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. But how is the responsibility for reaching this common target shared among EU countries? And how will individual countries achieve their targets? The European Environment Agency (EEA) provides answers to such questions via a database, which facilitates the comparison of

Monday, September 13th, 2010

FAQs on the ANZLIC Metadata Profile

These questions are taken from the consultation period for the ANZLIC Metadata Profile. They will be added to as agencies implement the Profile and other queries arise. Read More

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Geospatial Working Group

Geospatial data is a much broader concept than is often realised. The commercial exploitation of geospatial resources and techniques is well known and has had a profound impact. Government’s awareness of the importance and potential of geospatial data is reflected the UK’s Location Strategy and the EU’s INSPIRE Directive. Similarly, geospatial resources are basic to research, and to

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

Revised UK GEMINI v2.1

Version 2.1 of UK GEMINI2 includes changes to take into account the latest version of the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules Technical Guidelines, as well as experience of use of the earlier version of UK GEMINI2. UK GEMINI specifies a core set of metadata elements for use in a geospatial discovery metadata service. The first version GEMINI,

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Energy Management in Companies and Organisations

The EN 16001 standard of 2009 sets uniform EU-wide criteria for structured energy management systems. By implementing the standard, companies and organisations can improve their energy efficiency and identify energy saving potential. The new guideline published by UBA and BMU shows in a clear and practice-oriented way just how it is done and that doing so is

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Input sought on vision for Lower Athabasca Region

The Lower Athabasca Regional Advisory Council presented its advice as a vision document on which government will seek public comment before developing a draft regional plan for the area. “The vision document provides advice on economic, environmental and community needs in Lower Athabasca,” said Mel Knight, Minister of Sustainable Resource Development, responsible for implementing the Land-use

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

Minister Defends Gov’t Environmental Plan, says it’s ‘major Step in the Right Direction’

Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman said he believes “most of Gualeguaychú citizens agree with our environmental plan” to monitor the River Uruguay, which he considered “a major step in the right direction.” Indirectly replying to the recent frustration voiced by some of the Gualeguaychú assembly members unhappy with the bilateral plan to monitor the waters, Mr.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Spatial Planning & Governance for Climate Change

Join the authors of Planning for Climate Change and Governing for Sustainable Urban Development for an event that analyses the link between place-making governance and climate change. Jenny Crawford and Yvonne Rydin will examine the development strategies that are available to spatial planners and policy makers before looking at the way in which governance can intervene in the

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy

The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has released the Statement on Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy. The statement articulates Canada’s priorities with respect to sovereignty, economic and social development, environmental protection and governance in the Arctic region. Canada will continue to show strong leadership and demonstrate responsible stewardship to build a region that is

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

UK – Abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies

RTPI – On 6 July 2010 Communities Minister, Eric Pickles wrote to Chief Planning Officers announcing the revocation of regional strategies (RSS). 29 organisations, led by the RTPI, have written to Eric Pickles in response to ensure that strategic planning is embedded in any reform of the planning system. The Planning Inspectorate have issued guidance for planning inspectors. Cala Homes

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