Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
The Norwegian Fisheries Minister, Lisbeth Berg-Hansen, says she is pleased that the new agreement gives Norwegian fishermen an extra quota of cod. Read More
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
HTML5 is becoming a key component for Web and mobile developers as it helps them create applications that can be run on more platforms, hence, increasing the exposure of their software. However, the lack of standardization is driving many to stick to native programming languages until the Web specification is finalized in 2014. Read More
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
The Housing and Infrastructure Development Corporation (Hidco) will henceforth plan and execute development projects in the entire 6,000-7,000 hectare area in Rajarhat, which was earlier under the now-dissolved Bhangor Rajarhat Area Development Authority (Brada). Hidco top brass is scheduled to hold a meeting on December 14 to take stock of the situation in the area
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
Negotiations in Durban are likely to solidify a pay-to-preserve plan for forests. But proponents of the Yasuni initiative claim this is not enough. Can an expanded framework compensate countries better? Read More
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
Negotiations in Durban are likely to solidify a pay-to-preserve plan for forests. But proponents of the Yasuni initiative claim this is not enough. Can an expanded framework compensate countries better? Read More
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
To meet the challenges that exist both internationally and nationally, the Swedish Government wishes to make use of the opportunities offered by digitisation, and has therefore taken a decision on ICT for Everyone – A Digital Agenda for Sweden and proposed a new goal for ICT policy, that Sweden should become the best in the world exploiting the opportunities
Monday, December 5th, 2011
European citizens will soon be able to access and upload data on noise levels in their area, thanks to a new application on the Eye on Earth online map service. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has developed NoiseWatch to help the many millions of people across the EU exposed to damaging levels of noise. Read
Monday, December 5th, 2011
The celebration will consist of a Policy Talk on “The future of forests in Europe and North America” based on the recently published ECE/FAO Outlook Studies. It will include an interactive panel discussion with high level experts answering questions on biodiversity, climate change, energy and trade related issues. The Policy Talk will be followed by
Monday, December 5th, 2011
It is hardly a logical spot for a farm, but three Berliners have earmarked a massive former factory roof for an unusual urban agriculture venture. The sustainable set-up will produce both vegetables and fish for local residents and could be a model for future city farms as the world continues to urbanize. Read More
Monday, December 5th, 2011
A new report from Aarhus University focuses on the use of automatic monitoring of cattle behaviour in the context of animal welfare and production. In a modern production system where a stockperson is responsible for monitoring a large number of livestock, the time available for each individual animal is minimal. It is therefore important to