Thursday, August 12th, 2010
ALL AFRICA – Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica says her department is concerned about the impact of deteriorating water quality in the country and has called on role players to come up with ways to avert the situation. Speaking at an AgriSA Water Conference on Wednesday, Sonjica said one of the successful intervention
Thursday, August 12th, 2010
JERUSALEM POST – Airborne sensors developed in Israel are helping to detect land mines in Angola, one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. While the civil war in the east African nation ended in 1994, the loss of life and limbs continue till this day because of the estimated millions of land mines
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
L’MONDE FRANCE – Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Tuesday new cars in Russia will be equipped by 2012 with the Russian system GLONASS satellite navigation, presented as a competitor to the American GPS. “I think that from 2012 all new cars could sell with this integrated system to raise the level of safety on roads,
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
MALTA TIMES – A total 2,087 applications for subsidies on the purchase of photovoltaic systems for domestic use have been received by the Malta Resources Authority. A grant letter will be issued to those applicants who have satisfied all the requirements established by government notice published in the Government Gazette on July 22. Once the grant
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
HURRIYET – Turkey has raised a total of $5.76 billion from the auctions of four electricity grids, including the Boğaziçi, Gediz, Trakya and Dicle networks. A venture between İşkaya İnşaat, an Ankara-based construction company, and MMEKA Makina Ithalat Pazarlama, a joint venture between businessmen Mehmet Kazancı and Mehmet Emin Karamehmet, offered the highest figure during
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
DEUTSCHE WELLE – You can see them in the country, along the motorway and even in the sea. Wind turbines are popping up all over Europe. Outside the Scottish city of Glasgow is one of Europe’s biggest onshore wind farms. Built on Eaglesham Moor, Whitelee Windfarm has 140 turbines and generates enough energy to power
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
PLATTS – Under a memorandum of understanding, International Power shareholders are to own 30% and GDF Suez shareholders 70% of New International Power, a company with over 66 GW of gross power generation capacity in operation and committed projects to deliver a further 22 GW, the companies said in a statement. If approved by employees
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
NASA – On Aug. 5, 2010, an enormous chunk of ice, roughly 97 square miles (251 square kilometers) in size, broke off the Petermann Glacier, along the northwestern coast of Greenland. The Canadian Ice Service detected the remote event within hours in near real-time data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
9 NEWS- The US government has appointed its first female chief of a major intelligence bureau, with Letitia Long taking over as director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency on Monday. Read More
Monday, August 9th, 2010
BBC – Local councils will be allowed to sell renewable electricity to the National Grid from today, with the energy secretary, Chris Huhne, urging them to position themselves at the forefront of a power revolution. Huhne has lifted a ban on the sale of surplus electricity to the grid by councils, which say the scheme could raise £100m