Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
7TH SPACE – We set out to construct a linkage map for a North American Atlantic salmon family and to compare this map with the well developed map for European Atlantic salmon. Results: We used microsatellite markers, which had previously been mapped in the two Atlantic salmon SALMAP mapping families from the River Tay, Scotland, to
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
FOSTER + PARTNERS – The Masdar Institute, devoted to researching sustainability, is the first building to be fully operational within Masdar City. The masterplan, by Foster + Partners, incorporates lessons which have evolved over centuries of traditional Arabian architecture. The Masdar Institute is the first building of its kind to be powered entirely by renewable solar
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
PRAGUE DAILY MONITOR – Up to 8 percent of the Czech Republic’s territory are plots with unknown or unidentifiable owners and many of them are quite significant in economic terms, daily Lidove noviny (LN) has written. Thousands of hectares of land officially belong to nobody. Their owner is neither the state, nor a company nor a private
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
NOVINTE – Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry insists on fast progress on the construction of the Nabuccogas transit pipeline after at the end of last week Turkmenistan announced it was ready to provide the project with more natural gas that it can handle. Read More
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
GLASGOW HERALD – Oil and gas firms are set to ramp up activity in the North Sea in a development that could create the demand for thousands of skilled workers over the next five years. While much of the UK is braced for a tough time in 2010, research shows that the oil and gas sector
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
AfDB – The African Development Bank (AfDB) has launched a two-year technical assistance program – the African Carbon Support Program, which is being implemented by its Energy, Environment and Climate Change Department. The program, launched on 4 November 2010, is geared toward assisting Bank clients in regional member countries to access carbon finance in order to
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
BARENTS OBSERVER – The volume is up more than 30 percent since last year, but there is still a long way from the peak before the economical crises. According to the foreign trade statistics published by Finnish Customs, the shipments of cars and vans from Europe to Russia via Finland almost doubled in July-September. Almost 56,000 cars were
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
DEUTSCHE WELLE – Forests are important for the climate? Yes of course. But do not listen to us and find out for yourself: Get on the road in the lungs of the earth – in our brand new Web Global Ideas documentary. Read More
Monday, November 22nd, 2010
SANTIAGO TIMES – A US$3.85 billion pipeline to carry freshwater some 1,000 kilometres from central Chile to the country’s northern desert will provide a cheaper alternative for users now reliant on desalinization of ocean water, a business news Web site said this week. Read More
Monday, November 22nd, 2010
CANADIAN PRESS -A transmission link from Labrador to Newfoundland would cost $2.1 billion, $600 million of which would be provided by Emera. A link between Newfoundland to Nova Scotia would cost $1.2 billion, all funded by Emera, which owns Nova Scotia Power. In a statement issued by Emera, Premiers Danny Williams and Darrell Dexter touted