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Trimble and GroundProbe Collaborate to Offer Complete Monitoring Portfolio for Geotechnical and Geospatial Mining Professionals
Integrated approach means less hassle and more support for...
Space42 and ICEYE Announce Joint Venture to Bring Satellite Manufacturing to the UAE
ABU DHABI, UAE —  Space42 (ADX: SPACE42), a UAE-based...
Hexagon appoints new Group Executive Vice President and new President of Hexagon’s Geosystems division
Thomas Harring, currently President of Hexagon’s Geosystems division, appointed...


Friday, December 4th, 2009

Empowering Students Using GIS

ESRI has always invested heavily into GIS education. That has included both the toolset as well as the study of geographic information as a science. The results have been impressive, not only in terms of financial growth for the company but the numerous research efforts, education events, books published and conference-workshops. Building GIS capacity and

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Interview: Moving Forward with Smart Grids

Smart Grids are a growth area. Increasing awareness about smart grid technologies and applications are resulting in new installations of technology that update one hundred year old infrastructure electricity generation and distribution models. V1 Energy editor Jeff Thurston interviewed Martin Ansell, general manager – Smallworld, GE Energy.  He described Smart Grid technologies and how GE

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

From Photogrammetry to 3D Digital Earth

Photogrammetry continues to evolve and today the study of photogrammetry remains important. Armin Gruen has previously served as Head of the Chair of Photogrammetry at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zuerich, Switzerland. V1 Magazine editor Jeff Thurston interviewed him recently to learn about his life long passion of

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

How Much Geospatial Development Extends from Open Free Data as Compared to Military and Defense Research?

The geospa­tial com­mu­nity has long sup­ported the idea that open data leads to the devel­op­ment of appli­ca­tions and new tech­nolo­gies. The pre­vail­ing the­ory goes some­thing like this; if peo­ple have access to open geospa­tial data then they will use it to develop appli­ca­tions. That seems log­i­cal and is cer­tainly one of the goals many of

Friday, October 9th, 2009

What Does Practicing ‘Good’ GIS Mean to You?

Geo­graphic infor­ma­tion sys­tems (GIS) can be used for a mul­ti­tude of pur­poses and in dif­fer­ent ways to cre­ate, man­age, ana­lyze and rep­re­sent spa­tial infor­ma­tion. The nature of GIS is built upon a will­ing­ness, inter­est and expec­ta­tion to solve a spe­cific prob­lem using both geo­data and GIS. With so many def­i­n­i­tions float­ing around about what a

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

GlobalSoilMap: Mapping the World’s Soil

The world’s soils are an important resource. Mapping them enables scientists and food producers as well as land managers with the opportunity to maximize production while ensuring sustainbility and meeting conservation goals. A practical first step to achieving this goal involves an inventory of the global soil resources. V1 Magazine editor Jeff Thurston interviewed Bob

Monday, September 28th, 2009

‘Design, Model, Visualise, Document, and Map’ – Today and Tomorrow

There is a trend towards the integration of geospatial information that involves data creation, design and the representation of information. It applies to a wide range of activities from water to cadastre to building and site design, and it is international in scope. Vector1 Media editor Jeff Thurston spoke with Joe Croser (right) and Richard Zambuni

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

How Can Digital Cities and Spatial Data Infrastructure Connect?

Digital cities are a topic of high interest today. While they have been discussed for a number of years, technological developments, particularly in the area of 3D and remote sensing have propelled them forward. While geographic information systems (GIS) are natural integrator’s of spatial information, their role in spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is well known.

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Is Photogrammetry Important to the Geospatial Industry?

Absolutely. Pho­togram­me­try is more impor­tant today than it has been at any other time. Many of the cur­rent images peo­ple see in 3D city mod­els, land use plan­ning, envi­ron­men­tal and appli­ca­tions involv­ing the deter­mi­na­tion of land­scape change are directly depen­dent upon pho­togram­met­ric prod­ucts and ser­vices. Pho­togram­mety sits at the fore­front of many 3D appli­ca­tions because

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

Interview: Setting the Pace in Bringing the Plant Together

Bentley Systems, Incorporated is setting the pace for integrated PDS data. Leveraging the benefits of ISO 15926 standardisation, the company is developing new products for serving and modeling this information across the enterprise – supporting sustainable infrastructure. V1 Energy editor Jeff Thurston spoke with Ann-Marie Walters of Bentley Systems, Incorporated to learn about these new

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