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Sunday, April 4th, 2010

How Does Satellite Imagery Compare with Aerial Photography?

Satellite imagery and aerial photography have been compared against each other often – since the launch of the world’s first satellites useful for geographic information systems (GIS) and advanced image processing techniques. Previous comparisons focused primarily on issues related to resolution and accuracy. Today we are as likely to see those comparisons continue, but timing,

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

An Interview with Juergen Dold – New CEO at Leica Geosystems

Juergen Dold was recently appointed Chief Executive Officer at Leica Geosystems. With a background in surveying and extensive experience in the company Geospatial Division, he is sure to bring new ideas and energy with a view to building on a strong product line. He speaks with V1 Magazine editor Jeff Thurston about the company, products

Friday, March 19th, 2010

What Impact Does a More Fully Enabled GNSS Have on GIS and CAD Related Applications?

  Russia has recently launched 3 more GLONASS satellites bringing that constellation to 20 operating satellites in space. The timing of this improved coverage is important. The rest of the geospatial industry, particularly the CAD and GIS market are rapidly transitioning to new applications and technologies that leverage increased navigation and positioning capabilities, and GALILEO

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Should Rural and Urban Spatial Models Link Together?

A significant amount of spatial and geodata related work is related to urban activity. This involves all kinds of geodata including cadastral, topographic, infrastructure, demographic, transport and many other types of information. At the same time we can find similar levels of activity related to rural environments. While modelling for each may take on different

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

IVS 3D – Efficiency in Visual Ocean Processes

Visualizing the ocean is not an easy task – moreso when it comes to 3D. It requires accurate geodata, spatial tools like CAD and GIS and knowledge about the processes involved. The work is directly applicable to marine monitoring, pipeline construction and other engineering related projects. V1 Magazine editor Jeff Thurston spoke with Christian Relling

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

3D Visualization – A Convergence of LiDAR, Photogrammetry and Imaging

New tools and products are emerging in the LiDAR, photogrammetry and satellite imaging fields today as 3D environments and 3D city modeling gain wider acceptance. These are impacting work related to digital surfaces, object extraction – recognition and leading to additional research and applications. Sweden based Håkan Wiman has been centrally involved in this work

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

UK AGI – Building the GeoCommunity

The Association of Geographic Information (AGI) in the United Kingdom recently elected a new Chair. Andrew Coote brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position. AGI has been successful in promoting the use and application of geoinformation and geotechnologies across the country in recent times. The UK GI community is filled with discussion,

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

What Do We Expect from GIS, CAD, Surveying and Visualization Today?

Time changes and tech­nol­ogy does as well.  Over time the rea­sons we pur­chased a prod­uct also change. We learn, we grow and we devel­op­ment new thoughts about spa­tial data, maps and how new designs and appli­ca­tions can be cre­ated. Growth leads to new ideas and per­cep­tions, sud­denly what was accept­able appears blurs and becomes re-established

Friday, January 8th, 2010

How Would You Go About Changing the Structure of an Organisation to Enhance Effectiveness Using Spatial Tools?

How many times have you heard peo­ple say, “it’s a per­son­nel, organ­i­sa­tional or struc­tural prob­lem” as they began to run into a wall in terms of advanc­ing a project more quickly or encoun­tered resis­tance, some­times even fail­ure? Many of us have expe­ri­enced this, and, the reac­tions can also be dif­fer­ent with some walk­ing away, oth­ers

Friday, December 18th, 2009

What Are the Signals from COP15 Copenhagen to the Geospatial Industry?

There are impor­tant sig­nals emerg­ing from COP15 Copen­hagen that are impor­tant to the geospa­tial indus­try. The econ­omy has been in a poker game with envi­ron­ment, and nature has called the bluff, and demands atten­tion. COP15 is now talk­ing about trans­parency, trace­abil­ity, quan­tifi­ca­tion and qual­ity as nations demand to know what each other is doing about

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