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Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Microsoft Continues Investment in Eye on Earth Network

The Eye on Earth (EOE) network has garnered a great deal of praise for providing European environmental data openly and transparently, including kudos around the Rio+20 event in Rio this Spring. EOE started out as a joint project of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and Microsoft. Two individuals formulated the idea: Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive

Friday, March 30th, 2012

A Global Perspective of Energy – Through Spatial Understanding

Energy is a key issue around the globe to today and Geoff Zeiss of Autodesk is no stranger to utilities and infrastructure. He has been writing extensively about energy related matters on his excellent blog ‘Between the Poles’, presenting many pieces in the global energy puzzle. Through his work at Autodesk, Geoff also has global

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

What Is The Purpose of Geospatial Media?

This is my last Perspectives column at Vector1 Media and I thought I would share a few thoughts on lessons learned and observations made over the last five years while writing this column every other week. Geospatial media has changed remarkably over the years. Many of us in the media began writing on paper, but

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Does Digital Cartography Have More Value Than Non-digital Mapping?

A lot has been written about digital cartography over the years. Most of it relates to the advantages that digital cartography provides as compared to non-digital mapping including improved  collaboration, less redundancy, greater efficiency in production etc. As mobility technologies develop, the need for ‘going digital’ increases. This is becoming the case as we begin

Monday, March 5th, 2012

Procedural Modeling for 3D – GIS City Modeling

The use of 3D in urban planning, digital cities and 3D city model development is growing rapidly. Planners are interested to connect databases with city information to these 3D visualizations. Esri has been developing the CityEngine software that provides a 3D visualization connection to these databases. 3D Visualization World editor Jeff Thurston recently interviewed Gert

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

How Important Are Land Boundaries?

Boundaries around the globe between countries and other legal entities are constantly in a state of change. Contrary to the widely held view that most countries are well surveyed and their boundary and territory is established – that is not the case. Debates, conflicts and tensions continue to arise where boundaries are involved. Some of

Monday, February 13th, 2012

What Is Spatial Quality and Why Is It Important To The Design Process?

Spatial quality is about strategies, policies, design and effective creation and use of spaces. It applies to buildings, landscapes and infrastructure. While spatial data quality is also important, it is not spatial quality, but can be considered an important aspect of good spatial quality. Effective design will have higher spatial quality as functioning increases, use

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Nexteq Navigation Advances Global Precise Point Positioning

Nexteq Navigation is a leading developer of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technology. This GNSS approach aims to provide high-accuracy positioning through the use of a single receiver involving satellite derived global corrections. The company’s ‘Freedom’ technology provides improved results, with a 50% increase in accuracy – using internet communicated corrections in real-time. Vector1 Media editor

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

What Could the Davos World Economic Forum Gain From Geospatial Understanding?

This week the World Economic Forum is taking place in Davos, Switzerland. While much of the discussion is focused upon economic policy development, the technological and conceptual linkages that contribute to economic growth and wealth are not always clear. Geospatial and geomatics technologies not only create and contribute to the underlying infrastructure and processes that

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

C-NAV Delivers Precise GNSS Performance

C-NAV is an international surveying and mapping firm that aims to provide high-accuracy GNSS positioning solutions to the offshore and hydrographic surveying community. The company is involved in seismic exploration, land surveying and flood mapping, geotechnical engineering and a host of other applications. Asian Surveying and Mapping editor Jeff Thurston interviewed Ed Danson of C&C Technologies’ C-Nav Division

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