- Jan 29, 2016
- Parul Dubey
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GI_Forum 2016 provides a platform for dialogue among geospatial minds in an ongoing effort to support the creation of an informed GeoInformation Society. Bearing in mind different perspectives from a variety of professions, presentations as well as workshops and exhibitions will concentrate on innovations in education, science and technologies.
The spatial sciences today contribute significantly to a more just, ethical and sustainable society. Prominent keynote speakers will highlight new developments, offer insights into trends and visions, and at the same time be individually accessible for our Young Researchers.
Das AGIT Symposium und die darin integrierte AGIT EXPO sind von 6. – 8. Juli 2016 der Treffpunkt für Angewandte Geoinformatik: unser Anspruch ist es, der GI Community eine Bühne für den Austausch von Trends und Themen zu bieten. open:spatial:interfaces steht als Motto für eine sich immer weiter öffnende, interdisziplinäre Domäne Geoinformatik, deren technisches und methodisches Portfolio unseren fachlichen Perspektiven nahezu keine Grenzen setzt.
Die AGIT ist die Plattform für hochwertige Fachvorträge, praxisnahe Workshops, Themenschwerpunkte und Fachtagungen – Ihre Meinung sollte dabei nicht fehlen: Nutzen Sie die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten zur Beitragseinreichung – und insbesondere unser neues Publikationsmedium, das AGIT Journal.
In diesem Sinn freuen wir uns auf Ihren Besuch bei der AGIT in Salzburg!
Josef Strobl, Bernhard Zagel, Gerald Griesebner und Thomas Blaschke
ISPRS is a leading organization in remote sensing, photogrammetry and spatial information sciences – very high-resolution satellite imagery, terrain based imaging and participatory sensing, inexpensive platforms, and advanced information and communications technologies.
Every 4 years the Congress welcomes participants from all over the world. This gathering strengthens relations among the researchers, professionals and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organization thus enhancing the co-operation within the field. ISPRS welcomes all papers bringing new results, achievements, methods and theory to help to shift the present level of knowledge.
All interested organizations are welcome to participate at the Congress as exhibitors. Profit from the opportunity to present your products and services to the leaders in the field.
The program structure is split into several session types: Technical Sessions, Theme Sessions, Special sessions, Plenary Meetings, Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions.
For 30 years, the Small Satellite Conference has been a place where innovators, engineers, problem solvers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and dreamers alike have come together to challenge what we know and push the bounds of what can be done. These pioneers have created a space industry where small satellites make big contributions.
Each year, SmallSat attendees share their successes and lessons learned, demonstrate capabilities, network, and mentor the next generation. These crucial interactions have ignited imaginations, paving the way for small satellites to perform missions that few thought possible. The 30th Annual Small Satellite Conference will celebrate the industry’s tremendous achievements, while continuing to inspire ingenuity for future military, civilian, and commercial missions.
After an impressive debut (2,797 delegates from 48 nations and rave reviews) InterDrone returns to Las Vegas Sept. 7-9 in a premier location: The Paris Las Vegas Hotel. It will feature 120 sessions for engineers, software developers, executives, investors, regulators and commercial drone “buyers and flyers” in more than a dozen vertical market segments. 4,000+ attendees from 6 continents and 125+ exhibitors.
The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) was initiated by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and has been organized by IFIP periodically since 2003 in cooperation with several stakeholders in the host country. So far WITFOR has been held in Lithuania, in 2003; in Botswana, in 2005; in Ethiopia in 2007; in Vietnam in 2009 and in India, in 2012. WITFOR brings together senior policy-makers, academics, NGOs and GOs representatives, ICT experts, and the private ICT sector.
WITFOR 2016 intends to bring together members of the ICT community from governments, academia, industry and associations, to discuss recent proposals aimed to reach the sustainable development goals, promoted by the United Nations, to improve global conditions by reducing poverty and hunger; achieving universal education; promoting gender equality; ensuring environmental sustainability; combating diseases and reducing mortality.
The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) was initiated by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and has been organized by IFIP periodically since 2003 in cooperation with several stakeholders in the host country. So far WITFOR has been held in Lithuania, in 2003; in Botswana, in 2005; in Ethiopia in 2007; in Vietnam in 2009 and in India, in 2012. WITFOR brings together senior policy-makers, academics, NGOs and GOs representatives, ICT experts, and the private ICT sector.
WITFOR 2016 intends to bring together members of the ICT community from governments, academia, industry and associations, to discuss recent proposals aimed to reach the sustainable development goals, promoted by the United Nations, to improve global conditions by reducing poverty and hunger; achieving universal education; promoting gender equality; ensuring environmental sustainability; combating diseases and reducing mortality.
Caliper Corporation invites you to attend training for Maptitude Geographic Information System for Windows. The classes will be at our training center in Newton, Massachusetts.
The three days of classroom training cover materials valuable to both new and existing users of Maptitude. Day 3 provides time to work with your own data with a Maptitude trainer.
Classroom courses at our headquarters in Newton, MA are $900 for three classes, $600 for two classes, and $300 for a single class
Advance registration and payment are required
If you would like to register please register online.
Plan to participate at SPIE Remote Sensing 2016 – the event that offers engineers, scientists, programme managers and policy makers access to the latest developments in earth observing systems, technologies and applications. Co-located with SPIE Secuirty + Defence.