Sunday, June 26th, 2011
Google and the various websites it owns were used by more than a billion people for the first time in May. The landmark figure, revealed in new data from ComScore, shows an 8.4pc rise year on year. Microsoft remained the second most popular destination with 905 million unique visitors in May. This was up approximately
Sunday, June 26th, 2011
A team of young people from Belfast were awarded second place at a global UN environmental initiative which rewards local, sustainable projects which tackle issues within local communities. The Volvo Adventure competition, which is held in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), took place in Sweden over four days, bringing together students from as
Sunday, June 26th, 2011
Norway and Russia have agreed that issue of licenses for shelf developments in the recently delineated area in the Barents Sea can begin in 2013-2014. Norway’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy Ola Borten Moe and Russia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Yury Trutnev met in Moscow to discuss how the delineation agreement of September
Sunday, June 26th, 2011
Farmers seem to be suffering from a case of information overload, when it comes to climate change. The director of the National Institute for Rural and Regional Australia at the Australian National University in Canberra, Dr Anthony Horgan, says farmers are confused about how to manage changes in the climate because of conflicting information. Read More
Sunday, June 26th, 2011
There is a difference between the cities that we live in today and those that we need to be living in. Editors R. Klanten and L. Feireiss include images and concepts about architecture, city planning, urbanism and other representations that challenge our thinking about current cities. A triad of architecture, mobility and energy is expanded upon, and
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
The recent furore over the merits of the Auckland CBD rail loop clearly illustrates the difficulties of planning major transport investments in isolation from land use planning and implementation. The CBD Loop has the potential to positively shape Auckland’s future form but it’s viability is dependent on the concurrent development of high quality, high density,
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
The EMODnet-Hydrography portal development started in June 2009 and now provides a range of options for browsing and downloading new Digital Terrain Models (DTM) for a large part of the European seas free of charge. The downloadable tiles are available in a number of formats, including the Fledermaus SD format for 3D viewing. The EMODnet digital bathymetry
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are looking into an opportunity to develop and mutually use a virtual remote sensing satellite constellation, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Anatoly Rusetsky told media on 23 June.In his words, the use of a virtual remote sensing satellite constellation involves the use of
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
Sharp Corp. plans to design, build and operate solar power stations in Japan that it expects to become a major money spinner in the aftermath of the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. “It is high time that we build many solar power stations in Japan,” President Mikio Katayama told a shareholders meeting
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
Quick Terrain Modeler is the world’s premier 3D point cloud and terrain visualization software package. Designed for use with LiDAR, but flexible enough to accommodate other 3D data sources, Quick Terrain Modeler provides an easy to use software experience that allows users to work with significantly more data, render larger models, analyze data faster, and