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Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Dams and Climate Change Threaten the Niger River Wetlands

The combined impacts of new infrastructure schemes and a warmer climate will cause extremely low water levels in the West Sahelian Niger River, impacting the millions downstream and the wider economy. Extremely low water levels in the Niger River are expected to become a regular phenomenon. Wetlands International will present the latest figures based on

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Airbus, Air France and Several Companies Against the Carbon Tax

Airbus, Air France and British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa, Iberia and Air Berlin have written to several European heads of government. Airbus and six European airlines have joined forces to denounce the carbon tax introduced by the European Union in letters to heads of government French, German, British and Spanish, told AFP a source familiar with the matter.

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Beijing Sends Icebreaker to Barents Sea

First Chinese attempt to traverse the Northern Sea Route will take place this summer. It will be the first time ever a Chinese icebreaker sails into the Barents Sea. China is eyeing the Arctic and increases its presence by announcing a research expedition all along the north coast of Siberia towards the Barents Sea. The icebreaker

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Virtual Reality Helps Architects in Planning

 Even the most accurate plan omits many details and design options. The client requires imagination to imagine the finished building.Now enables 3D video glasses from the KIT Spinoffs “inreal Technologies” a faithful representation in virtual reality. With the help of integrated high-resolution motion sensors in the virtual environment in real time to match the natural head movement.Read

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

New “SimCity” City Planners in 2013

All the buildings in 3D, curves and lines with more realistic simulation EA has announced the continuation of urban simulation “SimCity”. The game will be released for PC in 2013. A Mac version has not been confirmed. Read More

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Tectonic Simulation in 3D

Geophysicist from ETH Zurich have the first dive of a tectonic plate beneath the other simulated with supercomputers. In the scientific journal “Einstein” They present their amazing insights that even the earthquake research can come good. Read More

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

iTRACS and BJumper Introduce “The Smart Data Center” in Europe

iTRACS Corporation, Inc., the leading provider of enterprise-class Data Center Infrastructure Management solutions that drive efficiency and business value in the data center, and BJumper Solutions, a technology leader specializing in energy efficiency and data center operations, recently introduced strategies for building “the smart data center” to an exclusive gathering of European data center owners

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

BLM Seeks Public Comments on Forest Management plans

Area residents will have the opportunity to advise the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on what to include in management plans for its Western Oregon forestland. The BLM wants the public to weigh in on issues it feels the agency needs to address in new resource management plans being developed for the Medford District as well

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

City Seeks One Developer to Lead Section 12 Project

The city of Bullhead City received two responses to its RFQ (Request for Qualifications) regarding the development of Section 12, in the vicinity of Community Park. The city leases 276 acres from the federal Bureau of Land Management, 67 of which front the Colorado River. The remainder of the land is on the east side

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

Guide to UK Coastal Historical Resources: New Report Available

The use of works of art as a source of evidence to assist the understanding of long-term coastal change has been a significant theme in recent studies carried out for The Crown Estate. Following the publication of previous reports on the coast of Hampshire & the Isle of Wight and the coast of East Anglia,

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