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September 23rd, 2007
ADW Software Launches Pythagoras CAD+GIS

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ADW Software launches Pythagoras CAD+GIS, a new version of the well known CAD software Pythagoras. Lots of new features and possibilities are included in the basic module and the digital terrain module. The Road Design module has been redesigned completely and a new GIS module is added to the already existing powerful CAD features. The new GIS module is completely integrated in the known CAD environment. Only one software application should be used to complete the whole process : (1) creating and updating geographical information, (2) consulting and updating of spatial information, (3) analysing of spatial information and (4) reporting and mapping of the analysis.

User defined line styles, symbols and hatchings allow displaying thematic maps in an easy way. Multiple thematic maps can be combined to ease up a visual analysis. Unique in Pythagoras CAD+GIS are the multiple search engines combining expressions based on database attributes and graphical attributes of a drawing or project.

Automatic legend creation and the use of view ports make your thematic maps complete and offer a tool to visualise your projects.

Even occasional users will be happy to explore the standard built in possibilities like : a powerful search engine, reporting and mail merge. All of them are easy to use and powerful.

The Road Design module has been extended with additional design possibilities : maximum speed, super elevation, widening, … The horizontal profile window, the ground plan and the cross section profile window are shown and updated simultaneously, easing up the design operations.

Additonal new features in other modules are :

  • definition of thematic maps (even without databases available)
  • definition of views and creation of view ports
  • extended powerful search engine
  • colorizing digital terrain models based on heights or slopes

Those new features make Pythagoras CAD+GIS a unique software : a modern and stand alone software that fulfils the needs of the actual users. The integration of drawing and calculation functions results in a user friendly software that reduce the learning curve dramatically. Pythagoras CAD+GIS is available for MS Windows (2000 or XP) and for Apple Macintosh (OS X).

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