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November 8th, 2011
Multi-storey Buildings with Technology From Ship-building

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Steel core panels have been used in ship-building for decades, but they also lend themselves to the construction multi-storey buildings. Factory-made apartment modules are assembled on site. Quality, speed and the low cost speak for themselves. Neapo Corporation applies steel core panel technology to erecting modular multi-storey buildings. The first such building delivered by Neapo was built as a single unit entirely indoors, then transported to the customer by sea.

”A typical multi-storey building made with steel core panels is constructed from apartment modules that are manufactured in a factory and transported to the site by road. Prefabrication on dry and warm factory premises guarantees a high-quality end result with accurate dimensions. We can also keep to the schedules and offer higher reliability in our deliveries than conventional building, as in a factory, unexpected delays can be minimised. The steel core panel is also an excellent answer to the increasingly stringent energy efficiency requirements, as it is naturally a tightly sealed and insulating material”, explains Financial Manager Tuomo Kontio from Neapo Corporation. Read More

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