Sensors and Systems
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October 30th, 2011
Geographic Information System for Environmental Management

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Working for several years in the field of environmental management of oil and gas ventures, the OceansatPEG realized the need to have at their disposal a tool to measure, able to withstand the demands of their more complex operations. The approach presented by Gisplan, involved key users, the company responsible for IT infrastructure, and also treated with special attention to the criteria of usability of the system. This provided an alternative ever found in products’ shelf. ” As a result, the Geographic Information System for Environmental Management (SIGG) was prepared from the data model of the company and in accordance with the Marine Data Model (MDM) from ESRI . The benefits were the most diverse: – they affect not only their internal users as well as their customers, which in turn may obtain strategic information quickly and accurately. Thus, the relationship with environmental agencies became easier and faster, and operations of OceansatPEG even more transparent. All this has contributed decisively to strengthen the company’s image in society. This is the work of Gisplan: The technologies are suitable for the processes. never the opposite. Read More

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