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March 9th, 2015
1st International conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management GISTAM 2015

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The first edition of the GISTAM 2015 conference (International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management) organized by INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication) will take place from the 28th to the 30th April in Barcelona.

GISTAM 2015 aims at creating an international meeting point of researchers and practitioners coming from all continents in the world, to address new challenges in geo-spatial data sensing, observation, representation, processing, visualization, sharing and managing, in all aspects concerning both information communication and technologies (ICT) as well as management information systems and knowledge-based systems. The conference welcomes original papers of either practical or theoretical nature, presenting research or applications, of specialized or interdisciplinary nature, addressing any aspect of geographic information systems and technologies.

One of the most important contributions that GISTAM brings about is the creation of a high-level forum with the presence of some of the most prestigious internationally recognized experts, including names such as Dr. Robert Laurini (INSA, University of Lyon, France), Dr. José Bioucas Dias (Telecommunications Institute, Portugal), Dr. Jordi Corbera(Institute of Catalonia, Spain) and Ed Parsons (Google UK Ltd, United Kingdom). Each will deliver a keynote lecture reflecting their knowledge on geo-spatial data sensing, observation, representation, processing, visualization, sharing and managing, in all aspects concerning both information communication and technologies (ICT) as well as management information systems and knowledge-based systems.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and Scopus.

Further information about GISTAM 2015 can be found at the conference website


INSTICC ( is a scientific non-profit association, founded in 2003, whose mission consists of serving the international scientific community through the promotion, development and dissemination of knowledge in the areas of information systems and technologies, control and communications. To achieve these goals, INSTICC develops a number of activities, including the organization of conferences, the publication of books and journals, research projects in collaboration with Universities and other Institutes, software engineering, consulting, and other activities.

Over the years, these initiatives have brought together a large and very diversified international community spread over more than 139 countries, including more than 500 high profile keynote speakers, over 15200 specialized reviewers and about 44800 authors.

Currently, INSTICC has developed a strong connection to its target community by the establishment of some of the largest conferences in the World in the interest areas of INSTICC, often in collaboration with renowned international associations such as IEEE, AAAI, ACM, OMG, FIPA, WfMC, IEICE and others.

Since 2004, INSTICC has been actively involved in research projects at national and international level, participating in research activities or providing support to university research groups in the development and promotion of science and technology in the interest areas of the Association.

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