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January 11th, 2016
ASPRS is Pleased to Announce a Reduction in Color Plate Fees for PE&RS

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BETHESDA, Md., Jan. 11, 2015 — Thanks to ongoing advances in printing technology the ASPRS is pleased to announce that we are able to lower our color plate, color figures/images, fees for the PE&RS journal.

All manuscripts submitted after January 1, 2016 will be subject to a lower fee schedule:

$500 for 1-3 plates |   $1000 for 4-6 plates |   $1500 for 7 or more plates

Black and white figures/images will continue to be published without fees.

In addition, when the paper is published, each author will receive a complimentary PDF copy of their paper and a hard copy of the journal. Extra page fees, printed offprints prices, and shipping remain the same in 2016.

It is our mission to make publishing in PE&RS as easy as possible. We look forward to working with you in the future. 

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