Sensors and Systems
Breaking News

November 6th, 2011
Well Results Shape Dynamic Marcellus and Utica Shale Landscapes, ShaleNavigator Maps It

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ShaleNavigator, a web-based news and mapping system, is now available to help landowners and operators stay current with and interpret what the recent developments mean for their property, property group, or company’s position within the quickly evolving Shale Gas landscapes.

Strong well results have been released, acquisition agreements have been announced, and investment continues to rise, but challenge remains in interpreting the continuous activity at the local level. “The recent well results, new permits, buyouts, partnerships, and new midstream investments all contribute to defining where future development paths are going to be, as well as where value can be found today” says Edward Camp, owner and developer of ShaleNavigator™. “There is a need for a system that can capture and context all this news and information that has such incredible value once layered together, and we believe ShaleNavigator™ has done just that.”

How ShaleNavigator™ translates news into usable, Local information.

Finding out where these events are taking place can be challenging. A recent production report may name a well but the exact location of the well is often left out of news releases; a merger or acquisition release names companies and acreage holdings in the deal, but only city or county names identify where that acreage is; an environmental investigation might name a stream, but the stream traverses 10 miles. Read More

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