Sensors and Systems
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Esri UK joins forces with STEM Learning to train more teachers in GIS
New courses help teachers in the north gain new...
Precisely Launches Geo Addressing and Data Enrichment Innovations on Snowflake Marketplace
BURLINGTON, Mass. — Precisely, the global leader in data...
Ursa Space Systems Expands Partnership with SkyFi to Provide Broader Commodity Insights
ITHACA, N.Y.—  Ursa Space Systems is excited to announce...

Open Geospatial Consortium

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

OGC Smart Cities Spatial Information Framework White Paper Announced

Feb.25, 2015 — The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) membership has approved the OGC® Smart Cities Spatial Information Framework white paper. This essential document for Smart City systems planning is available free at

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

OGC Adopts ARML 2.0, New Open Standard Encoding for Sharing Augmented Reality Data

Feb.25, 2015 — The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) membership has approved the OGC® Augmented Reality Markup Language 2.0 Interface Standard (ARML 2.0). ARML 2.0 provides a free and open, non-proprietary encoding that augmented reality (AR) content providers can use to specify the visual appearance and real world “anchors” (including location) of virtual objects in an AR scene. Additionally, ARML

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