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Esri UK joins forces with STEM Learning to train more teachers in GIS
New courses help teachers in the north gain new...
Precisely Launches Geo Addressing and Data Enrichment Innovations on Snowflake Marketplace
BURLINGTON, Mass. — Precisely, the global leader in data...
Ursa Space Systems Expands Partnership with SkyFi to Provide Broader Commodity Insights
ITHACA, N.Y.—  Ursa Space Systems is excited to announce...

Group on Earth Observations

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Global Push for Earth Observations Continues

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has been working for more than a decade to open access to Earth observation data and information, and increase awareness around their socioeconomic value. As GEO moves into the second decade four new global partners are announced to help support GEO’s vision. The GEO community has been building a

Monday, November 21st, 2016

Investments in Open Earth Observation Data Set to Grow

Geneva – A global trend towards  open data, i.e. data that anyone can access, use and share without restriction is steadily replacing a previous tendency by governments to charge for Earth observations, especially satellite imagery. The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) was established more than 10 years ago to provide access to and sharing of

Friday, November 18th, 2016

Open Earth Observation Data Now More Accessible

St Petersburg,  – At the Thirteenth GEO Plenary Meeting, held in St Petersburg, Russian Federation from 9-10 November, 2016, representatives from GEO’s 103 Member governments and 106 Participating Organizations (POs) convened to launch a new look for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Portal. Participants also addressed how best to advance GEO Initiatives

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Unleashing the Power of Open Earth Observation Data Group on Earth Observations to Convene in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Geneva – Hosted by the Russian Federation, led by ROSHYDROMET and ROSCOSMOS, the  intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) will convene its international Plenary on 9- 10 November in St. Petersburg. The entire Earth observation community gathers once a year to assess progress and to plan future work to tackle some of the challenges of

Monday, March 21st, 2016

EARSC is Now a GEO Participating Organization

The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) is pleased to have been accepted as Participating Organization for joining the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). “This is a critical step forward in GEO’s efforts to collaborate with the  private sector in a mutually beneficial way. EARSC has invested time and energy in ensuring good communication

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

GEO Unleashes the Power of Open Data in Mexico City, November 9 – 13

Geneva, November 4, 2015 — Hosted by the Government of Mexico, the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) will convene its international Plenary and Ministerial Summit on 9-13 November in Mexico City.