Sensors and Systems
Breaking News

October 18th, 2011
Siemens is Putting Solar Farm in France On Line

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Siemens is putting the solar farm Les Mées on line. Siemens has installed 112,000 solar modules on an approximately 70-hectare site on the La Colle des Mées plateau in the vicinity of the French Alps. Siemens Energy is EPC contractor for the six photovoltaic (PV) power plants with a combined peak output of 31 megawatts (MWp) and will in the future perform maintenance work on the solar power plants. Approximately 12,000 French households in the department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence in the south of France will be supplied with ecofriendly power. Delta Solar, a subsidiary of the project developer Eco Delta Développement (EDD), and Siemens jointly developed a plant design which met the demands for maximized efficiency despite the difficult landscape. Read More

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