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Breaking News

January 7th, 2019
ParcelAtlas National Parcel Layer Service Joins Esri Marketplace

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Mill Valley, CA. ParcelAtlas© is now LIVE in Esri® MarketPlace, adding national parcel layer content services for incorporation into the geospatial operations of millions of ArcGIS® Subscribers.

That is one best way to describe ParcelAtlas©, a National Parcel Layer Content Service that just went live on within the ArcGIS Online platform. Zoom to any location and instantly use the content in ArcGIS Pro as though it were on your desktop. Write it to your desktop to use offline.

ParcelAtlas leverages newly developed capacity of ArcGIS Online, enabling unlimited county database files to be loaded and kept current in a single ArcGIS-ready data layer with robust tax roll records linked to every parcel, including normalized use codes nationwide.

ParcelAtlas is the result of a long collaboration between TeamAR, an Esri Silver Business Partner, and Boundary Solutions Inc., a 20-year old National Parcel Layer industry founder and leader. ParcelAtlas data layer is the first ArcGIS® Online hosted dynamically updating digital parcel data service offering. ParcelAtlas leverages newly released functionality of ArcGIS Online, allowing an unlimited number of county database files to be loaded and kept current in a single ArcGIS-ready data layer, supported by robust tax roll records linked to every parcel boundary.

ParcelAtlas TILES Free tile focused web map service available in the ArcGIS Marketplace.

Contact BSI (415-381-1750) to be provided credentials enabling free LOGON for assigned users.


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