Sensors and Systems
Breaking News

November 15th, 2011
Oliver Rothschild Joins Bluesky Board

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Corporate Strategist Oliver Rothschild has joined the board of Bluesky. In his new role as Non Executive Director of the Leicestershire based aerial survey company, Rothschild will bring a valuable network of contacts, extensive board experience and a successful track record of business development. He is active in a range of industries and holds a diverse portfolio of business interests that are compatible and complementary to Bluesky’s own green agenda.
“Oliver brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the existing Board of Directors and will prove invaluable as we continue to develop our already extensive range of environmental data products – such as the UK’s first solar energy maps, heat loss mapping and night time aerial surveys,” commented Bluesky’s Managing Director Rachel Tidmarsh. “His management experience, Chairmanships and charitable works make Oliver a powerful ambassador in our target markets both at home and overseas.”
Oliver Rothschild is a Corporate Strategist active in a variety of business arenas. He began his career consulting in the hotel, restaurant and leisure industries before moving on to complete successful business development projects in Property Investment, ICT and Entertainment, Public Relations, Fine Arts & Antiques.  He was former Chairman of an international travel PLC, Senior Vice President of American General Investments and Director of an Auction House. Amongst a range of Chairmanships that transcend a wide variety of industries including sustainable energy, corporate strategy, cloud computing, media and the arts, Rothschild has also held a Board level position with the Carbon Advice Group an organisation that engages with individuals and businesses to combat climate change.
“This appointment is extremely exciting as it combines two of my great interests – IT and the green agenda,” commented Oliver. “I hope that my experience and expertise will complement the skills already present and that by working with Bluesky we can, together, continue to develop and bring to market innovative geographic data solutions.”

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