Bologna, Italy – SITECO Infomatica SRL has completed the delivery and commissioning of a Road-Scanner-4 to LiMAP, UAB of Vilnius, Lithuania. This latest delivery of the high performance Road-Scanner-4 is the first such configuration in Lithuania and the second of a SITECO mobile mapper to the Baltic region.
The system is configured with two Zoller & Froelich (Z+F) 9012 Profiler laser scanners, a Point Grey Ladybug 5 spherical camera and an XBLUE Atlans IMU and inertial navigation system. This type of integration is able to provide the highest accuracy, point density and speed capability of any dual sensor mobile mapper currently available. LiMAP decided on these components to meet their exacting requirements for upcoming design and engineering projects they will be carrying out. The Road-Scanner-4 system will improve efficiency of the overall design build process for their upcoming large infrastructure projects.
“We are proud to be partners with the highly respected LiMAP survey experts. Their decision in selecting Road-Scanner with this unique configuration attests to the confidence and performance of SITECO products.” says Augusto Burchi, SITECO’s CEO.
LiMAP has grown an impressive team in a short period, from fresh graduates to more than 35-year experience, promoting new ideas side by side with experience. Co-Founder and CEO of LiMAP is Andrius Aponas, who holds a master degree in Land Survey and has over 10 years of practical experience. The company is located in the “Sunrise Valley” Science and Technology Park near the Vilniaus Gedimino Technical University, Lithuania’s largest university.
“We have already invested over half a million Euros to build our engineering toolbox. Our belief is that efficient usage of newest technologies will provide best price and quality for our Customers” says Andrius Aponas, CEO of LiMAP. “It is difficult to compete with other land survey companies in Lithuania, due mostly to poor legislation and control. Our competitive advantage and differentiation is that we are able to provide good quality with low costs due to our belief in modern methods and highly organized work” says Arminas Maciulis, Co-Founder and CCO of LiMAP. “Siteco’s high level of expertise and professionalism helped us to decide over all other competitive systems available. The Road-Scanner-4 is clearly the highest performance with most attractive market price available in mobile mapping systems today.”
About Siteco Informatica srl.
A unit of the Gavio Group, one of Italy’s top industrial groups. Siteco was established in 1995 as a civil engineering infrastructure, software and technical consulting firm. In 2005 they developed the first scalable, high performance fully integrated mobile mapping system and have since been delivering the most flexible roadway management mobile mappers in price, performance and software flexibility on the market.
About LiMAP, UAB.
LiMAP, UAB, founded in 2016, excels at conducting experience, knowledge of engineering and business management. LiMAP’s mission is to employ the most efficient engineering methods. “Always forward. Always for the Client” is LiMAP’s moto which motivates all company members to continuously improve.